A question for the LGBT community

When reproductive events happen (periods, ejaculation) does it ever give you pause? I’m not saying it makes you question your sexuality, but does it seem odd to experience something of that nature and know that it will never result in a pregnancy?

I hope I’m not coming off as being offensive at all, I’m just curious. Guys the world over think absolutely nothing about what comes out after sexy time, but for women I would think menstruation might be a bit more visceral, or annoying, or something.

The prospect of potential reproduction is always on the table for heteros, but I doubt that same sex sex is devoid of thoughts about what happens when sperm meets egg, or neither meets neither.

I find your question confusing. What are you asking exactly? What gay women experience mentally when they menstruate? Or what gay people think about when they are cumming? Because I doubt anyone-gay or straight-has actual babies on their minds when orgasm strikes. “Reproductive events” is a rather vague term.

I think that’s a question that just hasn’t been thought through very well. Plenty of LGBT people want children, and have them. What the body does is what the body does. I think that I, as a straight child-free woman and as a woman who wants to continue being child-free forever, would be much more annoyed by my monthly “gift” than a woman of different sexuality who does want kids.

Your question makes it sound like you think couples of an LGBT nature don’t want kids. Nothing could be farther from the truth. There’s a mixture of want/not want just like anyone else.

I don’t know what you’re trying to say about women getting their periods and thinking they’ll never get pregnant, or men thinking their sperm will never result in a baby. Heard of sperm donation? Goes both ways.


I have never asked myself the kinds of questions you seem to be asking.

When I ejaculate, whether through masturbation or sex with someone, I am focusing on what I am doing and/or the person I am with, not on potential babies (or the lack thereof).

Babies, by the way, are one possible outcome of sex, not the single purpose of sex. Try and get that distinction clear in your mind and maybe you will be able to formulate a better question.

By the way, speaking of masturbation, why don’t you ask all the straight men, who far outnumber those of us in LGBT land, if they worry about what happens when they spill their seed on the ground instead of planting it inside a woman.

My body does lots of things that irk me. Involuntary nocturnal emissions are awkward. Involuntary nocturnal diarrhea is a whole lot worse…

Our bodies are messy. Moist. Many women, who have no interest in reproduction, still experience small amounts of involuntary lactation. I have no interest in reproduction, and, frankly, if I could simply turn off all my reproductive processes, I probably would. (I’d happily give up all my body hair and facial hair.)

I want to go on Galaxy Express 999 and get a robot body.

Gay women ovulate, and I’m wondering if the reproductive nature of that ever crosses their mind.

I was trying to be equal when I mentioned guys. As a guy, the chance or thought of reproduction happens before sex, and isn’t thought of again until their may be an issue.

My question is not about climax, but about whether or not, people that are engaged in non-reproductive sex, even think about the reproductive aspect of it.

So what does this have to do with the LGBT community? :confused: As if straight people don’t have “non-reproductive” sex. :rolleyes: I’ll answer your question: I feel pretty evil when I picture all the little screaming (potential) babies I’m flushing down the toilet after I’ve wanked one off in the bathroom.

You got me. My attempt at being equal to males and females failed.

I saw an interview with Ellen DeGeneres and she spoke about her period. I was wondering if the reproductive aspect of menstruation entered into her mindset or not.

Me trying to equate a similar circumstance to men was a bad choice. FTR I am pro gay marriage.

This does remind me though of what the perils of trying to be “PC” are. Bollocks.

Your OP has nothing to do with being “PC” – it has to do with the fact that it doesn’t make sense. What does getting your period have to do with reproducing? Does that mean every teenage girl who gets her first period immediately starts thinking about having kids?

Are you serious? Ovulation is an integral part of… I can’t believe I’d have to explain this to a woman. If a teen girl doesn’t know why she menstruates, and doesn’t see the connection with conception, she was ill-informed. Are you trolling me?

But that’s not only gay men and women. Straight couples also have non-reproductive sex, both as “P does not go into V” and as “we’re taking precautions to recude the probability that P going into V will result in baby”.

I just can’t see why a lesbian whose clock is not ticking would bemoan the arrival of her periods any more than I do (my clock was DOA, it’s never ever ticked). Gay or straight makes simply no difference in this respect.

Of course she does. But that doesn’t mean she’s immediately going to plan on having kids. Every time a woman ovulates, that doesn’t mean she’s going to conceive. Just the same as every time a man ejaculates. Well, unless you’re Rick Santorum.

It’s a really strange question, and has nothing whatsoever to do with being gay.

sings Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great, if a sperm gets wasted God gets quite irate.

uh… you are aware that menstruation never results in pregnancy for anyone, yes? And that there’s plenty of female assigned at birth people that have sex with men (not all of whom are women. some of them are trans men, and some of those trans men get pregnant after having sex with said men.) whose menstrual cycles continue on throughout their lives without resulting in pregnancy. Why aren’t you asking them?

This is a super weird question.

(ps. you seem to be asking this question of the LG community. Why you are leaving out the B should be obvious and because if you gave it a second of thought, you’d realize that the T portion is “given pause” by these things quite a bit. And it’s got nothing to do with babies.)

If you are saying that the process of menstruation itself doesn’t make babies then you are correct. HOWEVER, there are incidents of conception that have occurred during the menses, quite rare, but noted all the same.

When straight couples (or groups that include men and women) have sex when they are not planning and hoping to reproduce they have to think about and plan for NOT reproducing. So really, you’re thinking about babies either way.

I think (and am far from certain) that is sort of what dnooman might be getting at.

So, setting aside the LGBT limitation, I read the question as “when baby making is not something that you actively need to think about, either pro or con, do the thoughts pop up unbidden?”

Are women who partner with women, or who are not sexually active, with no aspirations to motherhood robbed of the euphoric moment of “Whoo hoo. NOT PREGNANT!” that makes dealing with the discomforts and overpriced cotton wads a teensy bit better?

Ok, but the thead title is “A question for the LGBT community.”

Either the OP doesn’t realize that there are childfree straight people, or that LGBT couples have kids all the time…or…man, I don’t even know.

Ok, apparently it’s the latter.

Oh, and most people have no idea when they are ovulating unless they are tracking it for some reason. Such as…trying to have a kid. So yeah, in that case I’m pretty sure they would be aware of the reproductive nature of their cycle.