Secret recipes you'd like to know?

In Trinidad there are street vendors that sell an oyster drink I love, they are mostly out after dark though because the drink is not a food per se but an aphrodisiac. It was kinda funny when I realized most customers were older dudes.:stuck_out_tongue:

Every recipe I find online produces NOTHING that tastes like the vendor drink.

Comments say it all:

The vendors are tight lipped when questioned. :mad:

What I can see going into the drink

Fresh oysters

Lemon squeeze

Red sauce with herbs in it, sweeter than salsa.

Pinch of salt or MSG?

EDIT:I think I taste a hint of mango and curry, maybe chutney? No recipe I have found online ever mentions this though.

I’d like to know how to duplicate a Hick-Fil-A chicken sandwich, so I could indulge both my recreational outrage about Dan Cathy’s financial support of anti-gay organizations and my shameful lust for his company’s food.

The carne asada recipe from Uncle Julio’s Rio Grande Cafe is something I would like to duplicate. Anybody know how?

I think that recipe for the Trinidad drink is missing the secret powder from those little blue pills they import from the US.

Here is a great site that gives you “secret” recipes for fast food delights.

I’d appreciate a good carne asada recipe myself. I’d also like to be able to duplicate the blended cream drinks (the non-coffee version) from Starbucks.

How to make a Chick-Fil-A Sandwich at home

Thank you for this.

There’s a Korean sushi place I go to that makes a couple of the most heavenly dipping sauces I’ve ever had. One is sort of a spicy thousand-island dressing, the other is a citrus/onion/vinegar something. They refuse to give up the secret.

I’d like to make Indian curries like the ones I get at restaurants. I’ve tried for years and can never duplicate them.

Nah I can confirm it is just food, no four hour erections for me!

The dressing on a caesar salad I had from the Piazza restaurant in the Opera Mall in Lviv, Ukraine.

The garlic noodles from Thanh Long/Crustacean in San Francisco


Fred’s Steak from Schuab’s

The thick egg-yolk sauce they put on scallops at my local hibachi place. They call it Sakura sauce, but no recipes with that name on Google are even close. It’s thicker than mayonnaise, so the recipes that involve a quart of oil per two egg yolks won’t work either. Bah.

I spent three years in a POW camp, forced to subsist on a thin stew made of fish, vegetables, prawns, coconut milk, and four kinds of rice. I came close to madness trying to find it here in the States, but they just can’t get the spices right!

I had a similar to the thousand island sauce and have a fake! For me, it’s what I’ve always wanted with shrimp. Cocktail sauce has never complemented shrimp on my palate. So this may be what you want? I have two versions you can mess with.

Mine was a pizza I had in Little Rock. My ‘Uncle’ took me when I was too young to realize you could even ask for recipes. I don’t even know the name of the restaurant. It was like an all cheese quiche with chunks of topping trapped in a cheese layer of deliciousness. Deep dish, man that was good.

Oh! and the sweet sticky bright red ribs at the King Fong in Omaha. I’ve been musing the past few days it may just be cheap sweet and sour sauce, but I’ve not tried it.

Taco Bell’s Baja Gordita sauce. The imitation one I found online tastes nothing like it. :frowning:

The seared ahi tuna appetizer at Outback Steakhouse. The versions online don’t look even remotely correct.

For reals. You have no idea how many times I have tried to make dal and failed.

“The Cheesecake Factory” used to sell something they called, “Italian Cream Cake”. Sam’s Club used to sell them as well. TCF’s ICC was nothing like the traditional recipe for ICC.

Inquiries at the local TCF were unproductive. Online searches produce no results for TCF’s recipe. I went to a professional cake shop, described the cake and asked them to reproduce it. They were close, but not close enough. Also, as a custom job, it was kind of pricey, so I’d love to find the actual recipe somewhere.

ETA: I’d like to make this cake completely from scratch. I.e., no boxed cake mixes or commercial pudding mixes as part of the recipe. Thanks!