Will masturbation shrink the penis?

I thought it is time the storehouse of human knowledge upgraded his knowledge on this subject, since this article dated circa 2001 was published, undoubtedly at the cutting edge of medical knowledge at that time.

Here is a summary of facts currently known about the evils of (excessive) male wanking:

Seminal matrix is a treasurehouse of neurotrophic chemicals. The seminal fluid is extremely rich in DHA, EPA, other Omega-3 and Omega-6/9 oils, Choline, neurotrophins, nerve growth factor (NGF) and Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF). The seminal fluid is the richest bodily source of nerve growth factors outside the human brain.

Symptoms of excessive masturbation develop only many years and sometimes after decades, but when they do show up, significant damage is already done.

Neurotrophins and fatty acids like DHA are critically important for normal brain and eye functioning. A deficiency of these have been implicated in a range of disorders like depression, bipolar disorders, a whole bunch of other mental and psychiatric conditions, retinal degeneration, macular degeneration, and incurable neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. Another common manifestation is the loss of memory - especially short-term, working memory.

A common cause for these syndromes is the long-term loss of neurotrophins, minerals and fatty acids that live in the seminal fluid. These are NOT useless overstock that the body is happy to jerk off because it has an endless reserve of these. In particular, NGF and BDNF are incredibly difficult to restore when depleted.

In some Eastern traditions - especially in Hindu and Buddhist traditions - semen is considered veerya, which roughly translates to “life” or “vitality”. It was specifically claimed that sexual abstinence resulted in the conserved semen translating to “ojas sakti”, which means the conserved seminal constituents somehow made their way to the brain, where they became good stuff like intelligence, memory etc.

I am inclined to believe them.

Masturbation is a good way to lose steam when dealing with a powerful bout of lust. It lets you throw away pent-up feelings that might otherwise overpower you, leading you to commit a crime you would regret later. But, while useful in moderation, it does come with costly implications when overdone.

My beef with the straight dope column referred to above is that it paints masturbation as a harmless innocent indulgence that has no consequences at all. That is so clearly wrong, and medical science is now slowly rediscovering what the ancients said long ago.

Yes, but only after you’ve finished. :stuck_out_tongue:

Bolding mine.

REALLY? So you are saying that if you don’t jerk off at least once in a while you will rape and or pillage?:eek::confused:

Either you have some serious self control issues or my sex drive was way lower than I thought, because I *never *had those kinds of feelings.

So, where do women get these righteous brain growth factors, and are they or aren’t they at risk for the perils of overwanking?

Your post seems kind of blurry and I can’t really understand it, if I could be bothered reading it or could remember what it was about, anyhow.

It’s probably just as well I spent so much of my adolescence thumping my dill, then, or else I’d never have got trousers to fit me as an adult and the women I had sex with later would have needed surgery when I was done.

Admittedly my eyesight’s not what it used to be, but from what my optician says or, more accurately, doesn’t say, they must allow for the autoerotic habits of the entire population when they’re defining expectations.

I was too busy shaving my palms to read.

In the interests of fighting ignorance, you’re very, very, VERY wrong. Unless you’re using sandpaper to masturbate, you will not shrink your junk by rubbing it. Even if one believed in the anti-masturbatory rhetoric you’re preaching here, what’s the use of having a slightly-larger penis if you can’t jack off? Regardless of religious efforts to discourage masturbation, polls continually show that *at least *90% of men do it (and the true answer is probably closer to 100%). So, even if masturbation *did *shrink the size of your penis, it wouldn’t matter at all from a comparative standpoint–because everyone else is masturbating anyway.

And think about it this way: if you don’t masturbate, then your body will spontaneously emit seminal fluids while you sleep. So why not have some fun doing it yourself?

Do you have any cites? I’d be particularly interested in how seminal fluid lost through masturbation differs in any way from seminal fluid lost through regular sex or nocturnal emissions.

You may believe in centuries old Hindu and Buddhist traditions, but I’m afraid they don’t pass muster around here.

Who told you this?

Rape and pillage free, lo these past 47 years.

Just sayin’.

?? How does it know who’s doing the ride?

Don’t they also believe that a guy has a pre-programmed amount of that, and when it’s all used up, the production stops no matter what Your age is.
My understanding is that those tadpoles grow old just like everything else and their DNA starts to deteriorate. And since it’s not always the fastest that wins the race, one of these geezers may do the job with its inadequate data - not good for the kid to be. So it makes sense to keep the fresh supply ( Not that it isn’t recycling anyways, but at least the chances for using outdated stuff is cut down ).

Masturbation is more likely to enlarge your penis than shrink it (no, I have no idea if this is true, but it makes more sense that erections could increase your penis size than vice-versa by stretching it, just as too much frowning can cause frown lines and so on), and of course, sex isn’t any different, not to mention usually takes longer.

Also, as far as sperm go, the only side effect of frequent masturbation is a decrease in sperm count, but only because your body produces sperm at a constant rate - regardless of whether they are ejaculated or not (I have seen several days to reach maximum sperm count, but you also don’t want to go too long if you want them to be as fresh as possible).

Also. Who cares? You won’t live longer - it’ll just feel like it.

The OP doesn’t mention penis size except in reference to the original SD article. He is stating that carelessly losing semen causes psychological and other physiological damage.

I’m pretty sure he’s wrong, but, if you’re going to call him “very, very, VERY” wrong, it’s probably best to refute something he said. It’s hard to fight ignorance by guessing.

Apologies! I’ll stick to one “very” next time, Captain Pedantic.

I didn’t spend years slowly rising through the ranks of the Royal Navy Pedantic to take lip from the likes o’ you.

I’m not going to publish my masturbation habits here, but they’re frequent enough for me to anecdotally refute this. Despite my frequent loss of seminal fluid I’m among the smatest, I mean, among the smarest… What was the question again?

It’s true, after I finish masturbating my penis does indeed shrink.

Nope, I did not mention penis size as my area of concern. I have bigger fish to fry, such as dealing with senile dementia, blindness etc.

Ah I never meant the teeming millions. I meant a small subset of folks in whom the sex urge is so strong that an outlet is absolutely necessary. That it does not do much good - looking at the rape stats - is another matter.

Can’t handle this one, am a male and have no idea where these goodies are stored in the female anatomy.

Stop doing it, man, just stop.

I did not say nocturnal emissions and masturbation produce a different kind of fluid. The difference is in the regularity and intensity of sex / masturbation. Extreme activity - some do it multiple times daily for years - is definitely harmful. Note how often the body produces a natural nocturnal emission - does it do so multiple times daily, or even once a day, for years? The body obviously knows when to stop. But when this becomes a chemical addiction, that’s when the depletion of vitals starts taking place, and over many years, leads to all kinds of problems.

Spoken like a true scientist. One might expect to hear, “I dont know what the hell you are referring to, so I’ll reserve judgement”, but no, science has progressed so much that we get the authoritative “I dont believe your crap because I believe in my own.” But maybe thats par for the course.
Sex and Masturbation Addiction

NGF is abundant in human seminal plasma

DHA is abundant in sperm and the retina

BDNF is present in human spermatozoa. A deficiency of BDNF in spermatozoa is linked to (some types of) male infertility.

The role of BDNF in depression and other disease states

Fatty acid (FA) composition of the spermatozoa may be an important determinant of fertility.

Effect of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation on semen profile

Overmasturbation and its effects