How will the Tea Party spin the CT shooting?

IMO they will find a tasteless, completely inappropriate take on it, and run with it. What do Dopers think that take will be?

Connecticut has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the US.

The killings took place in Conneticut.

Therefore, less restrictive gun laws are needed.

Just wondering here: do we need to care what the Tea Party spin on the shooting is?

It was an Obama conspiracy, he wants public sympathy to take all the guns away and to sterilize republicans.

Marley-Yes, because they have hijacked the opposition party in this country.

Are you talking about what they think about gun control or what they think about the actual shooting?

The two are intimately linked IMO. Their feelings about the shooting will inform the policies they advocate.

I’m going to guess most of them think the shooting is tragic, and they’ll support the same policies they did before (which is true of just about everyone).

Have these mass shootings ever led anybody to change their minds about anything, I wonder?

This, unfortunatley, I agree with. I just believe the Right will become more militantly pro-gun.

“More” and “the same” mean different things. I don’t see either side adopting a new position here.

Possibly the people who were shot, though that’s only a guess.

They’re waiting for Obama to take a stance on it. Once he does, they’ll know that they believe the exact opposite of whatever he says on the matter.

He’s already proclaimed it a tragedy, so they’re probably getting party favors together to celebrate it.

The crazies are already saying that Obama was silent on union violence but immediately reacted to the shootings. Because tyranny, I suppose.

You know, that guy who got punched in the nose. Union violence.

Reaction in the past to this sort of horror is that it goes to show that there aren’t enough guns out there. If others had been armed they could have shot the murderer and saved lives. Consider that there are about 290,000,000 legally purchased guns in the country already. Has anyone got a verifiable story where someone stepped up during a gun spree and did that?

There were a couple of incidents linked in one of the threads but I don’t remember which one.
The problem with that concept is despite the number of guns, very few gun owners are licensed to carry concealed.
Getting a permit is not easy to impossible depending on your location and carrying involves quite a bit of trouble and expense beyond the cost of the gun.

Also, few CCW are thinking of stopping a rampage but are carrying for personal protection.

Here’s one of the posts I was thinking of.

Found this analysis of shootings stopped by civilians vs. police.
I can’t vouch for his methodology but there seem to be enough incidents to draw conclusions.

What’s interesting is that in 10 of the 15 incidents stooped by civilians, they were unarmed.

Most meaningless article of the year.