Whatever happened to Warren Beatty?

His name was mentioned in a recent thread and it made me realize how long it has been since I’ve heard anything about him. I checked IMDB and saw he hasn’t made a movie since 2001.

He wrote, produced, acted, and directed so I’d assume he’d have been able to make movies if he had wanted to. His last few movies were not that great but he made some popular and critically acclaimed ones also.

Did he announce he was retiring back then? Were there health problems? There was talk that he might go into politics but he’s never run for office.

He hasn’t made a truly great movie since 1981. Retirement might be kind of sensible.

I heard he went up to Saratoga, where his horse naturally won.
And then he flew his Lear jet up to Nova Scotia to see the total eclipse of the sun.

So he’s busy.

Hate to tell you, but that eclipse was in 1972.

I managed to [del]bully[/del] talk my dad into flying me up there to see it. (We actually flew in a Cessna 172, not a LearJet, and to PEI instead of Nova Scotia, but it was total, and it was awesome.)

Well, he’s 76.

Here’s an entertainment news story on him from last April:

“However, the Bulworth actor was featured in the upcoming documentary Hollywood Renegade about blacklisted author Budd Schulberg, who penned What Makes Sammy Run?”

Bulworth (1998) that he directed, starred in, and co-wrote and co-produced, was pretty good. Critics liked it (as did I) and it apparently did good box office, albeit on a limited release. It was nominated for lots of awards, including an Oscar for screenplay, and actually won Best Script from the L.A. Film Critics Association. It was also recently publicly referenced by President Obama (though perhaps he is just lusting for Halle Berry).

I think Bugsy from 1991 did pretty well too. (And are you saying Reds was a truly great movie? :dubious: I liked Bulworth better, frankly.)

He got married to cute Annette and had a bunch of kids.

You might want to look at this.

I realised this morning I hadn’t seen Reese Witherspoon or Drew Barrymore in ages. I don’t think they’ve retired, they’re probably just doing stuff that isn’t in my field of view.

Reese just had a baby this last year.

He apparently pulled a Cary Grant and retired- not even the hint of any credits as actor, producer, writer, director, or anything else on imdb.

Annette’s very busy: her next high profile movie will be as the wife of Ernest Hemingway (Anthony Hopkins), and she’ll apparently be playing Catherine the Great in a comedy set in imperial Russia(details of which are sketchy).

Their son Stephen (born Kathlyn) was in the news for coming out publicly as a transitioning FtM transgendered boy. Very good looking kid (meaning Gregor Mendel was on to something) and far better spoken and less clinically depressed seeming than Chaz Bono, so I’m half expecting him to probably be “the face” of transgender rights movements in the coming years as he gets more comfortable and more exposure.

So did Barrymore. In fact, the two children were born only one day apart.

I liked Bulworth a lot but I do think Reds is a truly great movie. I thought so when it came out and it was confirmed for me when I saw a restoration print on the big screen last year. It held up beautifully, everything. I was sad it didn’t win more Oscars. It did win 3 (Best Director, Supporting Actress and Cinematography) but it was nominated for 12, and it lost Best Picture to Chariots of Fire. Trivia: Reds won two less Oscars than Raiders of the Lost Ark that year.

That’s pretty much the case. His last movie (Town and Country) was such an unpleasant experience and bombed so badly that he probably figured he didn’t need to do this crap any more and quietly bowed out.

Incidentally, it’s not as if Beatty hasn’t been offered anything over the last 12 years. For example, Tarantino asked him to play Bill in Kill Bill but he declined.

Drew had one within the past few years too. She’s done commentary on Turner Classic Movies in recent months.

ETA: I then scrolled down and saw this was already addressed.

So the guy who probably thinks that song was about him has an A, an E and an R in his name. I’m afraid that eliminates none of the major candidates:
[li] DAniEl ArmstRong[/li][li] WA****Rren BEatty[/li][li] Mick JAggE****R[/li][li] JamEs TAyloR[/li][li] DAvid LawRence GeffEn[/li][li] David BRucE CAssidy[/li][li] David Bowie, birth name: DAvid RobeRt JonEs[/li][li] CAt Stevens, birth name: StevEn Demetre GeoRgiou[/li][/ul]
Even the joke candidate, Mark Felt, fits.

Anyway, what does this have to do with what Billie Joe McAllister threw off the Tallahatchie Bridge?

I’m pretty sure he was getting rid of the murder weapon from “The Night the Lights Went Out In Georgia.”

As Simon herself has pointed out, she had not even met Geffen when she wrote the song in 1971.

So…you think the song is about you?