How does one clearly express this statistical information relating to percentages?

Say I know that Factor A has a rate of increase of 50%.

If I want to say that it has increased to a rate of increase of 75%, how do I express that in a way that won’t be misunderstood? If I say “The rate of increase has increased 50%” it could be understood to mean 75% or 100%.
If I say that the 50% rate of increase has increased by 10%, that could be understood to mean either 60% or 55%.
In other words, how do I simply and clearly distinguish between a percentage of a percentage and an absolute number of percents, especially when what I want to describe is the trend rather than particular data points in that trend?

Misunderstood by whom?

You could say “the rate of increase has grown an additional 25 percentage points, a 50% change in the rate” or similar, explicitly using both forms.
But it’s a complicated thing, and somebody may still boggle over it. Context counts.

This is a common issue with relative humidity (RH). Let’s say the RH was 20% yesterday, and today the RH is 30%. How much did it increase?

Both of these answers are correct:

  1. The RH is 50% higher today compared to yesterday.
  2. The RH is 10 percentage points higher today compared to yesterday.
    Another example: Last year, the average interest rate on 30 year mortgages was 4%. This year it is 5%. How much did it increase?

Both of these answers are correct:

  1. The average interest rate is 25% higher this year compared to last year.
  2. The average interest rate is 1 percentage point higher this year compared to last year.

Express it as a differential equation involving second derivatives?

That way, each reader (depending on his/her math acumen) will understand it perfectly well, or not at all. :slight_smile:

Know your audience.

Increased “by a factor of 50%” vs increased 50%? “an increase of 50%” would also mean the gross adding of, and not a factor of (to me at least). I would play it safe and just say “increased from 50% to… x%”. That is, if you want as much transparency as possible rather than merely decreasing the confusion quotient by 10%… to 10%… whatever.

In many financial numbers, they’ll use the phrasing as an increase or decrease in basis points. There are 100 basis points in each 1%. So if interest rates go from 3.5% to 4.0%, that would commonly be described as an increase of 50 basis points.

If you’re just looking for clarity, I don’t see how you can beat “the rate of increase has gone from 50% to 75%”. Like pancakes3 said.