Blackface - Why the hysteria?

I don’t watch SNL, but I constantly see news clips of a white man portraying the President with is face painted black-ish. Last week there was a white woman in blackface as Oprah and Mrs. Ob. My oh my, that was just so hilarious to all concerned. Yet, some non-media guy is now being persecuted for dressing up as Mr. T. - in blackface - during Halloween.

I am entirely in support of civil rights but 1). I don’t understand why it is so funny on national TV and so repellent for an individual, 2). I must have missed something in seven years of undergrad and graduate studies and 65 years of life, but I do not understand what the offence (other than for a criminal act) is in costuming one’s self with an altered complexion which is black.

But I do understand that for the past few decades or so, nothing is so precious to so many as breathless self-righteous indignation and suffering loudly from having converted an insult out of some unintended speech or action.

Is the horror of black face on mere mortals the latter problem, or something I missed?

Kerry Washington, who played Michelle Obama and Oprah, is a black woman.

The rest of your OP will be better served after it is moved to the Pit.

Yes, you absolutely did.

Didn’t you notice blackface went almost completely away in the US in television and film over 60 years ago, i.e. before you left childhood?

This isn’t something that happened “in the past few decades” but started being phased out as early as the 30s in the B/W film era.

Here’s a good place for the OP to start: Blackface - Wikipedia

Short answer:

In the past, vaudville days, it was used to mock and insult black people. So now-a-days folks don’t take too kindly to it.

Uh, both actors who played the Obamas on SNL - Kerry Washington and Jay Pharoah - were black. Although I think SNL used to have the president played by Fred Armisen, who I guess is half Hispanic (his mother was from Venezuela).

As to the rest of your post - you’re terribly ignorant of the history of blackface and minstrel shows, I gather.

You really think blackface is OK? How about yellowface, you know, white people dressed up as Asians? How about that?

The staggering ignorance in your post confounds me.

Since I don’t believe anyone could honestly be this ignorant of American history and culture, let’s move this to the Pit.

General Questions Moderator

And now that we’re in the pit I can finally say that everyone in this thread is a flat-headed banana eating gazelle.

: looks at the bananas on her desk :

I’ve been caught! Run!

Oh, well that’s alright then, so long as he’s a bit ethnic.:rolleyes:

Is it “I’m not racist I’m Just Asking Questions” month? Well, it’s good to have a new kind of month, anyway. I’m tired of bouncing between rape month and guns month.

Only confirming your gazelle status! Next you’ll tell us you jumpedout of your seat.

: looks at banana in my hand :

It’s a fair cop.

Hey, some of my best friends have dressed in blackface.

Is this the wrong time to bring up the time I walked in on my brother in blackface raping my shotgun?

y u so white bro

I don’t know if I can take another month of this crap.

No, no, no. You’ve got it all wrong, it’s:

Some of my best friends are black, And they all think it’s Hi-larious when I dress in blackface and therefore it’s okay and YOU’RE the racist for telling us how to act.

If we’re gonna do this stupid month, we’re gonna do it RIGHT, dammit!

Al Jolson and Judy Garland, f’rinstance.