Former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell & wife indicted [ed: and convicted]


It sure seems like there’s a lot of evidence here but this is the first I’ve heard of the whole situation. Anyone have any more info or insights?

Surely every Doper is sympathetic to the poor woman who doesn’t have any decent clothes to wear!!!

MSNBC was all over this thing in the Fall. Surprised it took this long.

I’m surprised this is the first you’ve heard of it. McDonnel has been buried in this scandal for some time now.

Here is the indictment(pdf) I like page 42 which is a list of things they accepted and will have to turn over if convicted.

There was also a lovely battle between the state butler and McDonnel, basically he was expensiving lots of unreasonable items on the governers mansion budget which is only supposed to maintain the mansion. They also decided to do things like give away the mansions dishes to their children when they went off to college. The tax payers of Virgina were thrilled to pick up the tab!

Probably becuase I live in Richmond, but this is has been discussed constantly for a while now. They had negotiated a deal a couple of months ago to hold off on the indictment until he left office, so I’m not sure anyone was surprised by this.

As I understand it, there is a ton of evidence for the “quid” but the “quo” is somewhat weaker. Reading the indictment, I was surpised by how much of this focuses on his wife’s behavior.

I just don’t understand why someone who was trying to avoid the appearance of impropriety would host an event at his official residence for a product made by the person who was improperly influencing him. It’s practically an invitation to investigate.

Having said that, I agree that this reads more like an ethics charging document than a criminal one.

In early December McDonnell made a last minute appeal to the justice department to hold off on an indictment to allow for a smooth transition of the governors office. The justice department agreed, but now that the governorship has finshed changing hands the indictments are going forward.

ETA: or what Falchion said :smack:

Someone needs to bump the Palin garbage bag full of clothes thread and see if there are any updates!

The key is proving that in response to the gifts the McDonnell’s took actions that helped Williams. At first I thought that this would be hard to prove. But then I read thefollowing

Watching the McDonnells try to explain these away will be highly entertaining.

To some extent how this plays out may depend on how well testimony from their former chef goes over with the judge and jury.

Gee, a right-wing politician preaching fiscal responsibility while he lines his pockets with the usual conservative grift. In other news, water is wet.

I expect a Fox News hire any day now; Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin, Haley Barbour, and Dick Morris need someone new to talk to.

Being a successful politician is like being rich and powerful without being rich. All the powerful people you hang out with are rich, but you’re a civil servant, you don’t even make one million dollars a year! You ride in limos, you eat at fancy ass places, but you never pick up the tab because you fucking can’t!

But you are their equal, and they are your friends! So they toss a couple hundred grand your way, big deal, they’re your friends, they tip that much, who cares? They buy you a beer or they buy you a brewery, what’s the diff?

This is true in Virginia, perhaps, but on the federal level and in many states, the rules are much stricter. A member of Congress can’t accept anything of value from a lobbyist or anyone who employs one, and there’s a limit of $100 per year per source for gifts from other sources. And of course quid pro quos are illegal regardless.

But yeah, Virginia is different.

The new governor’s first act was to impose limits on him and his staff, and propose legislation to extend it to all government officials.

Nitpick: elected officials aren’t civil servants in the traditional sense.

I don’t know, I don’t think orange jump suits would go well with Fox’s pundit color pallet.

Oh, hell, he won’t go to prison, most likely, and even if he did, he’d go to a Club Fed, which is like summer camp where your Mom can’t come and pick you up.

They’ve been found guilty.

So much for the “we totally hate each other” defense.

I sent the mods a note asking for a slight title change in light of today’s verdict.

Thanks, Mods!