Coke vs. Pepsi!

In the spirit of gun-control/abortion/religious/stupidfrigginprayeratgraduation questions that have no true “answers” but instead rely solely each posters specific beliefs let’s see just how long a thread we can get on this.

Everybody knows that there are 2 kinds of people in this world: highly evolved, intelligent, creative and kind Pepsi drinkers and the sub-human, scum-sucking, evil and devious Coke drinkers.

This also applys to Schick vs. Gilette, “great taste” vs. “less filling”, Curly vs. Joe, ad nauseum.

I read somewhere that people with college degrees tend to drink Coke, while uneducated people tend to prefer Pepsi.


Maybe Pepsi drinking has some genetic thing to it, like a dropped chromosome or something. Anyone see that X-Files where the family that had inbred for generations and Scully discovered that baby the kids found in the field had every genetic abnormality known to man? I’ll bet Pepsi-drinking was in there somewhere. :::shudder:::: scary!

Carpe Diem!

I drink RC. What do you suppose that says about me?


Full of 'satiable curtiosity

You don’t want to know, Jess . . . :slight_smile:

Sign me up for Coke as a preference, though I will drink Pepsi. RC and the rest of the pretenders are a distant third. But give me SOME cola – I don’t drink coffee or tea, so cola is my caffeine injection system, without which my behavior may be unpredicable and downright scary.

I drink Coke and have done so for many of years.
There is a thing I had’nt noticed until you mentioned it. Since I starting Coke I’ve shrunk and turned red. Also to my surprise Horns have grown out of my scull…

I’ll see you later, TOM

But not much later…



The difference between Pepsi and Coke drinkers is that Coke drinkers never have to drink Pepsi (unless you at one of 3 or 4 Pepsi owned restaurants). We Pepsi drinkers almost always have to settle for Coke when we eat out. Because of this, we are natually more well-rounded and open-minded than the monolithic Coke drinker.

Aon Dia.
Aon Tir.
Aon Ite.

Let’s not muddy-up the waters here, Jess. Saying you drink RC is like playing Switzerland.

We’re talking Coke vs. Pepsi - Axis vs. Allies, evil vs. good!

All hail the standard bearer for good taste, corporate citizenship, and huge stock returns - Coca Cola! Both Coke and I were born and raised in Atlanta, and we’re both better for it.

My grandfather had a chance to buy Coke stock at its initial public offering (on the steps of what is now South Trust bank), but didn’t. Aww, Gramps, if you had just bought 10 shares I wouldn’t have to be working for a living!

The overwhelming majority of people have more than the average (mean) number of legs. – E. Grebenik

Hey,hey, don’t rule out us underground subversives who drink RC. Or our deranged brethern drinking JOLT. Sometimes the small guys will win.

“On the edge of sleep, I awoke to a sun so bright…”

Aww, Doc! Say it ain’t so! I would have pegged you as a Pepsi drinker.

Well, I’m off to the woods for the weekend. Everyone have a safe and fun Memorial Day weekend (yes, even you Coke drinkers!).

I could always tell the difference between coke and pepsi when they were warm. Pepsi had a smoother taste. But I heard Coke isn’t made the same nowadays, so it’s even worse!

Let’s see…

Pepsi-Cola is an anagram of Episcopal. Clearly, Coke is the irreverent choice.

(Of course, the only anagram for Coca-Cola I can come up with is “loco caca.” I guess that means I’m into crazy shit.)

I used to get a laugh out of those taste test commercials, which I guess were supposed to “prove” to me that Pepsi tastes better.

Whichever one happens to be on sale when I’m shopping. In restaurants, I have a slight preference for Coke, but I’m perfectly happy drinking either.

I don’t like either. If forced, I’d take a Pepsi, but just about anything is better than cola.

#1 – Adirondack Orange Citrus Frost

After that, comes 7-Up and ginger ale.

Put me down for Pepsi although I have come to drink iced tea nowadays more than cola.

So, here’s a question for iced tea drinkers: Lipton’s Brisk or Nestea?

I’m a Brisk drinker.

“[He] beat his fist down upon the table and hurt his hand and became so
further enraged… that he beat his fist down upon the table even harder and
hurt his hand some more.” – Joseph Heller’s Catch-22

Brisk, hands down. I drink a few liters every week.

Lipton’s. No substitute will do.
BTW-who’s the guy on the package supposed to be? The milkman?

Diet Coke! No Pepsi! I don’t drink coffee, so I usually have my first diet coke of the day as soon as I get to work in the morning, it’s my caffeine carrier.


I’m a woman phenomenally
Phenomenal woman
That’s me
(Maya Angelou)