Stephen King's "The Stand" to become a series of movies

It sounds like this is really going to happen - headline this week is Matthew McConaughey has been cast as Randall Flagg. Four stand-alone movies, directed by Josh Boone.

Four movies? I’m trying to decide if that’s the right amount, or too much. The book has quite a bit going on in it, but so much of it is character development and travelling - while I enjoyed reading that, I’m not sure how it’s going to translate to the big screen. Knowing Hollywood, though, my guess would be it will be four movies of blowing shit up, fighting, and car chase scenes.

How are they stand-alone movies, if they’re all based on the book? Presumably they go in some order…Or does the word stand-alone distinguish it from, say, a miniseries?

I know the book is 1,000 pages long, but is there really enough material there for four feature-length movies? I guess there is…I’m just not sure we need to see all of the material there. I love King (or, well, I used to–haven’t read him in a while) and the stuff he includes, but I don’t think his work needs to be translated directly to the big screen to be effective. Sometimes cutting and simplifying for film is better.

Ugh…basically doing what the mini series did but charging everyone four times and over our years. The Stand is my favorite novel but I hope the first movie tanks just to stick it to them for being greedy and dumb.

Isn’t that basically what the mini-series did? I remember that being four 2-hour movies as well.

You’re correct but, believe it or not, 2 hours was commercials. The DVD is 6 hours, 6 minutes and even has a few minutes of edited-out-of-TV footage.

Honesty the story is bigger than a single movie but that is because a movie isn’t the best way to adapt the story.

Not going to watch. Not going to watch. Never going to watch.

I’ll probably re-read the book, yet again, in summer 2016 or 2017. Needless to say, I love the book.

I’m not sure what I think of this. There are … problems… with the miniseries, but I can’t see this as 2-hour feature-length films either, not without a lot of changes. MM as Flagg might be interesting, but I can’t imagine anyone else as M-O-O-N, that spells Tom Cullen, or Trashy. They were so perfect and even if both weren’t too old now, I’m sure they’d want to go in another, presumably lesser, direction. I don’t want to see The Kid. I don’t think I want to see Rita, and I definitely don’t want to see her corpse.

I couldn’t even finish the first episode of the miniseries. For some reason I found it boring. Maybe I’ll give it another go. McConaughey is an interesting choice for Flagg, but I can see him being good in the role.

I can see McConaughey as Flagg; some of the casting from the mini-series was definitive (Stu, Glen, The Judge, Mama Abigail), but some could certainly be improved upon (Fran, Nadine, Nick).

I think there’s enough material for four movies; it does sound a bit like a cash-grab, though (see: Hobbit). I still think the best way to present “The Stand” would be a tv series, sort of like “Under The Dome,” except good.

The directer, Boone, talked with Kevin Smith in a “special” episode of Smith’s Hollywood Babble-On podcast. They talk some about Boone directing The Fault in Our Stars, but they also talk a good bit about The Stand.

Anyone would be better casting than Parker Lewis as the world’s biggest loser.

I sort of wondered, with the current rush of apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic books and movies, whether somebody would dig up The Stand again… Well, I’ll reserve judgment until more is known about the project.

At the rate of The Hobbit, with 8 hours for about 300 pages, The Stand at 1000 pages should provide about 27 hours of movie entertainment.

OMG! He was Harold Lauder, I hadn’t realized that!

I thought he was OK in the TV version, but that it sold his character & Nadine’s short by making them more easily swayed villians than truly tragic characters who could be virtuous & could have been heroic except for succumbing to their flaws & heeding the voice of the Tempter.

I’m there for all four movies & then the special edition DVDs.

Bloody fucking hell, give us The Talisman already! :mad:

Why couldn’t this be an HBO Miniseries? That seems the perfect medium.

As a huge Stephen King fan, I want to say that I am sick and tired of piece-of-shit video adaptations of his books. I hope this does not suck, but my expectations will be kept low.
( I exempt The Shining, Misery, Stand By Me, and Shawshank Redemption from the piece-of-shit judgement. )

That’s one of the things that really stuck with me from the book - both Harold and Nadine were one bad decision away from redemption. Neither of them was evil. In Nadine’s case, you could argue that she didn’t even have a choice - her choice was made for her.

Great idea! It would even be a Young Adult movie, which is all Teh Hotness right now!

You guys are full of good ideas.

I’m a huge fan of “The Green Mile,” too.

Yes, and upon further review, Carrie wasn’t awful.