US Police operating Detention Blacksites?

This article alleges that Chicago police maintain an off-the-books detention centre that has resulted in serious harm and death of detainees with no constitutional protection.

It cites it as an extension of the toleration of torture, illegalities and human rights contravention given to the military and CIA, arguing that the militarisation of the police is not only of weaponry, but also of attitude and procedures.

Police denial in the Chicago Tribune

What do you expect, when the Attorney General of the United States actively sides with the torturers against their victims and the whistleblowers?

It has also been alleged that space aliens were dissected at Area 51 in New Mexico, but I have not seen any real evidence of that either.

Some asshole who is out on parole after serving prison for plotting to bomb police stations tells some lies about the police. Some other jerk who won’t even give his name tells some different lies about the police, and even his attorney won’t confirm his story. And another drug addict dies of an OD. If it is such a deep dark secret that this center exists, why is the address right there in the newspaper?

Paranoia and lies from the loony left and their lawyers. Yawn.


I would have put money on the first US response being an outright denial and ignorant of the facts of the case. I would have won.

This raises serious problems if attorneys are finding that people are arrested and then held incommunicado which is proven quite clearly in the various articles on the matter.

But of course it does not matter if constitutional rights are overridden so long as the right wing is happy.

It is al;so frightening that no US media has taken up the case so far, not even the NY Times.

Someone is taking it seriously in the US:

Two former senior Justice Department officials are calling on their colleagues to investigate a secretive warehouse used for interrogations by Chicago police and likened to a CIA “black site” facility.

Sam Bagenstos, who during Barack Obama’s first term was the Justice Department’s No 2 civil rights official, said that the Guardian’s exposé of the Homan Square police warehouse raised concerns about “a possible pattern or practice of violations of the fourth and fifth amendments” that warranted an inquiry.

William Yeomans, who worked in the civil rights division from 1981 to 2005, and served as its acting attorney, said the allegations about off-the-books interrogations and barred access to legal counsel reported by the Guardian merited a preliminary investigation to confirm them, a first step toward a full civil rights investigation.

Of course an official denial just means they are covering up.

Naturally they’re part of the coverup too.

I was especially appalled by the account of the victim who was “disappeared” (for 17 hours by his own account) before eventually being convicted of mob action and possession of an incendiary device. It is shocking.

This is why the Scottish neverendum will pass before long, Scots are appalled at being part of the U.K. when it is allied to a country that permits disappearances like this.

After an inquiry takes place (assuming it does), and we have an official verification one way or another, this might be an interesting debate to have.

I remember the right wing responses to Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Chicago police in 68, Watergate, Cambodia, Nicaragua, and so on.

Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat their errors.

Nobody should be judged guilty of a crime just because somebody made an accusation. I’m assuming the OP remembers this when the conversation is about people being detained because of accusations of terrorism. But now he needs to remember the same principle still applies even when the accusation supports his pre-existing beliefs.

You are ever so right! It is like the CIA conspiracy to addict millions of black Americans to crack cocaine, ignored and marginalized by the major media at the behest of their government controllers.

We may be disappeared for saying these things, but it is worth it.

Just so you know, Area 51 is in Nevada, the aliens crashed in New Mexico. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, it’s in all the news over here…

Oh, wait. It’s not. Besides The Guardian’s article I’m not seeing a lot on this. I’m thinking that, while The Guardian is one of the pillars of journalism, truth and justice and all that, we should wait until more facts come out on this fascinating and epic story. I’m sure the Truth™ will out in the end!!

I think those of you questioning the veracity of the story are really minimizing what was in the article. For example, there are multiple lawyers mentioned and/or directly quoted in the story complaining that they haven’t been able to find clients because they’re held without being put into the booking system.


I think people just got tired of Danno bookin’ 'im. It’s sad that these lawyers can’t find clients in Chicago, but I think we will need a bit more substance than that to take this as seriously as it obviously deserves.

What facts do you think you are talking about?

What proof do you think you are talking about?

Perhaps the NY Times has a better eye for unsubstantiated bullshit than the Guardian.


Hey, that’s Pilger’s Law.

That’s just what they want you to think.


You will be in the Black Sites detention center in Chicago (because, why would the CIA build it somewhere outside of the US where they could?) pretty fast at this rate, Shodan. And wait until they start with the alien probes…

I think we can all agree that regardless of the veracity of the OP’s article, the US is, without question, the most worstest country in the world, ever!