New seasons of Louie and Bobs Burgers released on netflix

In case anyone didn’t know.

FWIW, Louie is one of those shows that gets better with age. Most shows don’t do that, they get worse. So far every season has been better than the last of Louie.


I’ve seen every episode of the first 3 seasons of the Burgers like 10 times now

Okay, I’m confused. Are you saying that episodes of Bob’s Burgers that have been broadcast on Fox but not released on DVD are now available on Netflix? Or are these episodes that were never broadcast?

Netflix can be pretty far behind the broadcast schedule when it comes to streaming availability. It’s not like Hulu where you have to wait a day for broadcast before a show is posted. Netflix doesn’t get stuff until after the season ends.

So Bob’s Burgers season 4 ended last May, and now it is available on Netflix. For people without cable or an antenna that have to rely on Netflix, this is basically like a “new season” starting on Netflix.

S4 of Louie is also on Hulu now.

Okay, I was just checking to see if they had produced some completely new episodes like they did with Arrested Development.

If they do decide to produce new episodes of a series and any Netflix executives are reading, two words: Clone High.