Friggen amazing, support for Memories Pizza

Memories Pizza, the pizzaria that “won’t serve pizza at SS weddings” gets outpouring of support. This is the pizzaria mentioned with respect to the Indiana Religious Freedom legislation.

So far
$814,751 of $200k

Mind boggling. The owners are about to get a windfall.

Given the other threads here on the SDMB I almost have to LOL.

“The market speaks”. LOL again. How’s that working for ya?

Kinda sucks when “you” are on the" loo$ng" end doesn’t it?

Fuck it. I did LOL.

Windfall indeed. I wonder how much the place normally makes in a year.

I think it’s hilarious. People are such fools.

What will the second business that pulls this get? A linty Tic-Tac and a roll of quarters?

They have taken in over $13,000 in the last 40 minutes. I doubt their business ever made a 13k profit in less than an hour.

It makes me wonder at what point the people doing the donating are going to look at the figure and say “Wait, I need this five bucks a hell of a lot more than they do.”

But I’m sure they think they’re sticking it to… someone.

How do we get in on this bigoted donation racket?

Well, first you don’t serve pizza at gay weddings. I’m a little lost as to step 2, but I’m sure that’s not important.

The most amazing part of this story is, who the hell orders pizza for a wedding?

Is this really a thing?

We had chicken fingers after our wedding. Really good chicken fingers!

If they had refused to sell us chicken fingers because we’re interracial, at least most of the support for their position would have been fairly quiet, if no less heartfelt.

Step 1: Refuse to cater gay weddings.
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Profit.
I solemnly swear that I will never, ever serve anything at a gay wedding.

Checks can be made out to me or “cash.”

Honestly, I’m not amazed. We know the opposition exists and that they have money; otherwise, there wouldn’t be a controversy in the first place.

It’s just… sad.

I guess it’s sad. But I find it really funny. People on the right are taking pride in… whatever it is they are doing at this point. Because see, you stupid liberals thought you could silence these brave pizza people with your horrible gayness but we’ll show you! And the next time, um, yeah! We’ll show you then, too! And we’ll just continue to give a million dollars each time someone says they won’t serve gays and then it’ll be my turn to say it and all this sweet, sweet cash will roll in and… guys? The cash will roll in, right?

It’s like people who think that online fundraising makes it okay not to have insurance, because they will take care of their own! Only it’s not a sustainable model.

So, I’m okay with them sending money. I’m okay with them sending millions of dollars, just as I was okay with them lining up around the block to buy chicken sandwiches and having watch parties for “Duck Dynasty.” Because I know that these futile gestures are just futile gestures. And no one, I’m guessing, in ten years will look back on Memories Pizza and their five bucks and think they did something magical.

It just doesn’t end. The Memories Pizza family has now been promised a free financial advisor to help with this windfall.

And? Why does that matter?

I’m assuming that Memories Pizza will act in accordance with the same Christian beliefs that motivated them to deny service to gay people and donate all of the money they’ve received to the poor.

There’s really nothing else to say. True, so true.

As I understand it, the donations were motivated in large part by the pizza place’s closing. That closing was, in turn, motivated by a plethora of threats delivered by members of the stalwart left-wing tolerance brigade, to include threats of arson.

And of course the tolerance brigade made its appearance because of the Christ-like behavior of the pizza place owners, who apparently believe the Good Samaritan would have verified that the stranded traveler was a strict hetereo before providing any assistance.

The pizza idiots are…well… Bigoted idiots.

But the “Step 2 …???” ignorance doesn’t meet the standard of fair commentary either. Step 2 was a parade of threats against the bigoted idiots by other idiots, which turned a theoretical threat into actual economic loss, which in turn was the hook upon which donations were premised.

How do they even know what event they are delivering pizza to?!

Do they ask you before finalizing your order if there are going to be any gays at the delivery location? WTF

Honestly it is kind of depressing, because I was a proponent of the let the market decide position. Because I was sure the market would shun any place with basically a “no homos” sign in their window, but I guess I was wrong.

Here you go, RandMcNally:

You are TEH SUXXOR. I burning your profile! You will loo$ everything!

You may check off ‘step 2.’