Numerical Hypertigerisms. The Wizard of Woo.

Our new Wizard of woo has combined his take on life, numerology and some scriptures, to point out how ignorant many of us lower life forms are. I’m leaving out the line after line after line after line of numerology babble in the quoted posts below, but they won’t be hard to find if you’re interested in the woo. Just page up or down a little in these threads.

As I said, I edited out all the numerology BS he uses to prove something or the other. I hated long division in grade school. This came close.

Awesome job.

He seems to be trying really hard to fit in.

I feel like I need to add some numbers to do this right, but I just can’t abuse them the way he does.

I’m thinking this is a must see, soon, as I have a feeling this won’t go on/last much longer.

Link? Where are these posts? I’d actually enjoy the numerology; I’ve always found joy in that kind of technical crackpottery.

Jesus, Al, find another ox to gore.

Click the little blue arrows in the quote box by Hypertigers name. Beware, you were warned though. :slight_smile:

Someone really should introduce Hypertiger and THE ELECT to each other.

I am somehow reminded of the line from an old Dire Straights song: “Two men think they’re Jesus, one of them must be wrong…”

Like, what if we’re all Jesus, man?

Everyone is Jesus in Purgatory.

Whew! That is some squalid numerology! Thank you for the hint…and the warning!


Is there a Hypotiger around to balance him out?

Dang, Douglas Adams was right!

When I read his first post a few days ago my first thought was, ‘there is just no way this guy is serious’.

I don’t think it’s trolling, just a strange sense of humor.

Reminds me of the guy a few years back who claimed that ear candling worked and we should listen to him because he has a Mensa level IQ.

ETA: Found it. Post 4.

Heretic. That’s where the truth lies. Without the numbers, it’s only babble. With the numbers, how babble is made.

This is what happens when TimeCube Guy reads the Bible.

That’s my take, too. He thinks he’s funny. But he sure found the one site on the internet where people will be bound and determined to take him seriously!

I dunno, it doesn’t decode like someone trying to be funny. I don’t think a sane person could write that disjointed and not leave subtle traces of his underlying rationality. There are patterns everywhere, except in his rants. Not even the pattern of randomness.

And that is all the thought I will give him. I think I’ll go watch Pi again.

If mathematics is the queen of science, numerology is its crazy bag lady.

Time to feed the trolls, I see…

That line is so brilliant, I’m compelled to believe at first glance that it’s a quote from somewhere. Would you be good enough to share?

Or, in the event that I’m mistaken, step forward and glory in your well-deserved golf claps?