Concert Stage Craft

Going through some old videos of my youth:
Thoughts? Anybody here in this industry?
I am mostly interested with the mechanics of putting on a great show.

I know this is an overly broad question, but would be interested from hearing opinions regarding stage lighting. audio, video, rehearsals, budget, equipment travel, how to acquire venues, etc.
Most of the links above must have budgets measured into the millions, and I appreciate it. My 85 dollars has been well-spent.

Can’t be cheap to stage this either!

Here’s an obvious starting point.

LOL. Yes.

I can imagine, but I am referencing live concerts not films.

Dagnabit! Now I will be up all night thank you very much :smiley:

That IS a live onstage performance, by the Metropolitan Opera :wink:

I understand and have seen it but my original question still stands.
Expound about the logistics et al.about putting a production of this kind on.
Do I need to buy pizza and beer? Jeesh.