So... objectively... is Senator John McCain a "war hero"?

Per Donald Trump’s pontificatinghe has expressed his doubts over whether John McCain was really a “war hero”. Trump himself applied for and received multiple deferments.

Here is McCain’s combat record below. He was stoic while being tortured and behaved with honor while a prisoner. Objectively is it reasonable to regard him as a “war hero” for staying strong and hanging tough while captured?

Prisoner of war

As I understand it, he was a “rock of gibraltar” for the others in the camp, a pillar of strength, a metaphor of mixedness – he helped a lot of the other guys get through the ordeal. That adds a lot to the claim for heroism.

Also, Americans have really diluted the term, and use it to refer to just about any G.I. Joe who served a couple tours in Afghanistan, especially if they saw any kind of action whatever. We don’t have a working definition of “hero” any longer.

Still… What medals was McCain awarded?

Here is a link to his awards and decorations

What is there to discuss here? (other than the fact that Trump’s quote shows just how disgusting a human being he is).
MCain not only endured torture *, he refused to accept being released from prison based on his (and his father’s) rank. That’s what blows my mind, and shows heroic strength of character.

*and came home without complaining about PTSD

I hate his political views, but of course he’s a war hero. He endured horrible conditions for over five years.

From his Wiki article.

Here’s the rest.

PTSD is a real thing, you know. It’s not some namby-pamby fake disease like lupus.

Yes. McCain is a hero. He is certainly a hero to those who were in captivity with him. And he refused an offer of early release tendered by North Vietnam.

Now let’s look, using the link provided by Czarcasm, at some of McCain’s awards and their criteria.
[ul][li]Silver Star: awarded for gallantry not justifying the award of one of the next higher valor awards[/li][li]Distinguished Flying Cross: distinguishes himself by heroism or extraordinary achievement while participating in an aerial flight[/li][li]Bronze Star Medal: for either heroic achievement, heroic service, meritorious achievement, or meritorious service in a combat zone[/li][li]National Order of Vietnam: was considered the highest honor that could be bestowed upon an individual by the Republic of Vietnam government[/li][list][li]All definitions cribbed from Wikipedia[/ul][/list][/li]
Regardless of how the term hero has or has not been diluted in today’s parlance, McCain qualifies as a hero for what he went through and what he did when he was in combat and in captivity.

Anyway, why care about Trump’s opinion on the matter?

That comment is unfair to those who suffer from an actual medical condition.

A better question: in the past was there mockery of McCain’s POW past on the left (jingling keys anyone) and vehement arguments in Democrat echo chambers that he is no “war hero”?

Just to be clear there was a “V Device” associated with McCain’s Bronze Star. It was awarded for valor not service.

Dude showed that he had more balls than a bowling alley
and did it during wartime
under conditions of war.

To me that sounds like a war hero, of the type that his own enemies call a war hero. But if one of the measures of a man is the worth of their enemies, I’d like to request that McCain be measured by the worth of the VC and not by that of Donald Trump, who may have a lot of money but appears to have very little worth.

You can love Trump or you can hate him, but you have to give him credit: who else could make the teeming millions of Straight Dope Bleeding Heart Liberals defend John McCain!

Of course he is. You’d have to be a a right bastard to say otherwise. I don’t recall any mainstream Democratic source attacking his heroism in 2008.

You know despite his idiocy I kind of liked Trump to a point because of his outspokenness even if a lot of the shit he said was stupid. But for some spoiled rich pussy like him to have the gall to even suggest that John McCain is not a war hero has made me lose all of the little respect that I had left for him and makes me actually wish him ill.

The Vietnam was a pointless and wrong war, granted but those soldiers still deserve respect for serving their country and many of them were drafted. McCain obviously wasn’t drafted but he did serve his country and paid for it with five years of his freedom and unimaginable trauma both physical and mental. The accounts I’ve read or watched also suggest that he helped his fellow POW’s keep it together in a tough situation. He could have been released early, gotten preferential treatment because of who his Father was but he had the integrity not to take the easy way out. I think the overwhelming majority of people would have taken the early release when facing the torture that he was subjected to. Trump wouldn’t have lasted 5 minutes in those conditions let alone 5 years. I remember watching some documentary about his inprisonment and I believe there was one guy in particular that carried out the torture or ordered it carried out on McCain and when McCain discussed the guy his whole demeanor changed and he got this distant look in his eyes, the pitch of his voice changed, and it seemed on some level even all those years later there was still this fear under the surface.

I used to have a neighbor that was a Marine and served two tours in Vietnam as infantry and lost his leg as a result. We would drink beers in the evening and talk about his time there and it was so fascinating to me I looked forward to our talks. When he talked about the things he saw there was almost a palpable, electric energy in the air.

I hope this causes a huge public backlash and blows up in his face.

I didnt mean to sound snarky or disrespectful…I just meant that McCain was obviously much stronger than the thousands of soldiers who have served in combat, and then suffered PTSD.

Donald Trump is a Democrat echo chamber?

Show me a prominent Democrat who says John McCain is not a war hero.

The list of his medals, linked above, answers the question for me: he damned well is. Now show me who’s saying he isn’t.

I guess it depends on your definition of what constitutes a ‘war hero.’ The 6 million Jews that the Nazis killed, were they war heroes? How about the survivors of the camps? I don’t think it denigrates the experiences of those who were forced to suffered greatly to say that ‘heroism’ isn’t the right label for what happened to them.

And then the question would be, what makes McCain’s ordeal more ‘heroic’ than theirs?

Why is that a “better” question if this thread is about something a Republican candidate said about McCain?

Gotta say I missed this; I’d need a cite or two from a reputable source. (IOW, WorldNetDaily and its equivalents don’t count.)

OTOH, I have a clear recollection of Republicans’ ridiculing John Kerry’s Purple Hearts.