Favorite Decade For Movies?

Let’s see:

1920S- Had A few good movies

1930S- had Gone With The Wind, And The Marx Brothers Movies and Boris Korloffs Frankenstein

1940S- Citizen Kane. Nuff said.

1950S- The Tingler with Vincent Price was good

1960S- a decent decade for movies. Had With Six You Get Egg Roll and Yours, Mine,And ours.

1970S – this decade seemed to focus too much on the horror genre,which I don’t care for .

1980S- Had a few good comedy movies. It wasn’t a bad decade, but it wasn’t Good either
1990S- See Above
2000s- I only watch The Nicktoons movies and The Simpson’s movie.

2010S- I honestly can’t be bothered to watch any movies from this decade

Overall, I think the best decade would be 1960s

60s for the good/bad B sci-fi and teen movies.

A few good movies in the 1920s? You’re out of your mind. It was an amazing decade for movies. The silent Ben Hur is excellent , the Cecil B. DeMille King of Kings is outstanding. Wings, as the first best picture winner holds up quite well. There are excellent silent versions of Oliver Twist, Robjn Hood, and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Admittedly , The Jazz Singer is more of a historical curiosity and Broadway Melody is a weak early talkie that somehow won Best Picture.

I don’t really think about what my favorite decade is, but I do have a list of my 100 favorite films. It isn’t by any means a completely fixed list. Every time I print it out to show someone I drop a few films and add a few. In any case, here are the number of movies on the list from each decade:

1930’s 9
1940’s 7
1950’s 7
1960’s 7
1970’s 27
1980’s 22
1990’s 14
2000’s 3
2010’s 4

  1. 1930s: Golden Age of Hollywood. “Pre-Code” films of 1930-1934, Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich, Universal Horror (the best ones), Clark Gable, Ernst Lubitsch, early Frank Capra, King Kong, The Thin Man, the best Tarzans, the amazing year of 1939 (Gone with the Wind, Wizard of Oz, Stagecoach, etc.)

  2. 1970s: New Hollywood. Scorsese, Godfathers 1 & 2, Robert Altman, Brian De Palma, Milos Forman, Roman Polanski, early Spielberg, William Friedkin, Sidney Lumet, George Lucas, Woody Allen, Hal Ashby

*1960S- a decent decade for movies. Had With Six You Get Egg Roll and Yours, Mine,And ours. *

Really? You’re gonna sum up the 1960s with a mediocre Doris Day film and a Lucille Ball vehicle that has nearly the same plot?

The decade you were a teenager is always the “best” decade for pop culture. It’s hard to be objective.

So for me that’s the 80s.

Hmm I don’t have a list of my own. There were so many great movies made in the 80s when I was a kid so probably then. But they made great sequels into the 90s too and then some cool movies came out like Fight Club so the 90s (when I was a teen) comes in a close second.

You can only come with one good movie from the 40’s ???


1920s: almost nothing I would want to watch.
1930s: Marx Brother movies, Bringing up Baby, Wizard of Oz, The Thin Man, Mr Smith goes to Washington, Robin Hood, The Universal Horrors and others is a good decade.
1940s: Casablanca, Citizen Kane, Miracle on 34th Street & It’s a Wonderful Life the 2 best Christmas movies, The Maltese Falcon, Key Largo, The Grapes of Wrath, The Shop Around the Corner & Meet Me in St. Louis for 2 more xmas classics, Arsenic and Old Lace & The Philadelphia Story, So many classic Bugs Bunny Cartoons, Fantasia, On the Town, Sergeant York & The Pride of the Yankees,

1950s: Singing in the Rain, 12 Angry Men, The best Hitchcock movies, Roman Holiday & Sabrina, African Queen, The Day the Earth Stood Still the first great SciFi classic, War of the Worlds & Forbidden Planet the next 2 classic SciFi, Harvey, The Quiet Man & Darby O’Gill and the Little People to round out the St. Patty’s Day Classics, An American in Paris, The Caine Mutiny, Around the World in Eighty Days, Marty, The Fly & The House of Wax, Operation Petticoat, The Court Jester, The Rest of the Great Bugs Bunny cartoons including What’s Opera Doc & Duck Amuck.

1960s: The Longest Day, 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Hello Dolly, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Great Escape, The Birds & Psycho, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Dr. No, Mary Poppins, West Side Story, The Dirty Dozen, The Battle of Algiers, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, The Lion in Winter, Wait Until Dark, Yellow Submarine, How to Steal a Million, Fail Safe,

1970s: The Godfather & Godfather 2, Jaws, Alien, Close Encounters, Taxi Driver, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Rocky & Rocky Horror, The Exorcist, The Sting, The Bad News Bears, Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, Young Frankenstein, Blazing Saddles, Animal House, Patton, Harold and Maude, Being There, The Outlaw Josey Wales, A Bridge Too Far, Kelly’s Heroes, Fiddler on the Roof, The Muppet Movie, Murder by Death, What’s Up, Doc?, Woodstock (doc), Star Wars

1980s: Star Trek II (Khan!) & IV (Whales), Raiders of the Lost Ark, Back to the Future, Ghostbusters, Airplane!, The Blues Brothers, The Shining, Aliens, Terminator, Die Hard, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Full Metal Jacket, The Princess Bride, Stand By Me, Spinal Tap, The Breakfast Club, Ferris Buellers’ Day Off, Better off Dead, WarGames, Real Genius, Dead Poets Society, The Untouchables, Beetlejuice, Big, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Spaceballs, Little Shop of Horrors, The Running Man, A Fish Called Wanda, Glory, Labyrinth, Field of Dreams, Caddyshack, Driving Miss Daisy, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Pink Floyd The Wall, Scrooged, Weird Science, Clue, Stripes, Time Bandits,

1990s: The Shawshank Redemption, Pulp Fiction, Forrest Gump, The Hudsucker Proxy, Saving Private Ryan, Schindler’s List, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Braveheart, Goodfellas, The Professional, The Sixth Sense, Clerks, Dogma, Mallrats, Reservoir Dogs, Toy Story, Aladdin, Jurassic Park, Groundhog Day, Independence Day, Men in Black, Edward Scissorhands, Unforgiven, Back to the Future Part III, Being John Malkovich, Apollo 13, Office Space, A Few Good Men, The Hunt for Red October, Misery, The Iron Giant, Galaxy Quest, Dazed and Confused, Pleasantville, Matilda, My Cousin Vinny, Grosse Pointe Blank, A League of Their Own

2000s: The Lord of the Rings movies, The Incredibles, Wall E, Finding Nemo, Up, Monsters, Inc. (wow what a run by Pixar), Pan’s Labyrinth, Juno, Shaun of the Dead, Zombieland, Hot Fuzz, hmm weak decade.

So the 40s to 90s were all great. The 80s were my decade I guess so it probably does better than it should but it was pretty awesome. The 70s were pretty incredible as were the 90s. It is tough in the end. What I am sure of is the 2000s were weak, very weak. Basically saved by Pixar’s great run, the Lord of the Ring Movies and supported by the Harry Potter movies.

Unforgiven defined its genre – and Pulp Fiction, too; Schindler’s List, Toy Story, Apollo 13, The Sixth Sense, Silence Of The Lambs, The Usual Suspects, you name it; it’s Jim Carrey realizing he’s on TV; Will Smith inducing amnesia, Tom Cruise dangling from the ceiling; Joe Pesci cross-examining like Denzel Washington going to bat for a dying Tom Hanks – and if there’s better science fiction than 12 Monkeys, and it’s not The Matrix back when that actually meant something, it’s GalaxyQuest.

Yes and no. I was a teen in the '80s, and it probably IS my favorite decade for movies, but it sure isn’t for music. (That would be the '60s, with the '70s and '90s vying for second place. The '80s would come in fourth.)

In fact, because movies contain music, several '80s movies exemplify why so many of the movies were great but so much of the music was terrible (IMHO) – Chariots of Fire and Fletch come to mind. (Witness is all synthesizers, too, but I think Maurice Jarre’s soundtrack is good enough to almost overcome the limitations of that medium.)

Relocated to Cafe Society.

I’d say the 70’s. In the 1960’s alot was going on in the world but really the movie industry mostly stayed out of it and stayed pretty conservative. They did the beach movies and assorted “Frankenstein meets the Blob who goes Surfing” movies.

That all seemed to change in the 70’s with MASH and Billy Jack.

Current decade. I like action and special effects and computer animated films like what Pixar and Dreamworks produce.

The 70s. Hollywood was making intelligent films for grownups and they ever were popular (e.g., The Godfather). But when Star Wars came along, that realized that the teen audience wanted specticle, and would see it multiple times during the first run (something that was new to the industry). So come became spectacle, and serious drama devalued.

I don’t agree with that at all though. There’s room in the movie market for a lot of styles, and since the special effects blockbusters are expensive and prone to bomb, costing studios huge, making good dramas has never gone out of style. The 90s especially featured a ton of extremely successful, critically acclaimed dramas.

At a push I’d have to say the 90’s as a lot of those films have more of an ‘edge’ to the stories than many from the 80’s, and technological advances gave more scope for variety than the 70’s.

Agreed. There are so many classic movies from that decade: The Big Parade, The Crowd, Flesh and the Devil, The Last Command, Sunrise, Show People, The Racket, Underworld, etc. The last two named are gangster movies and among the best such films ever made.

Except most people don’t get any enjoyment out of silent movies these days. A few of the comedies are fun. But overall these are historical relics of another time and of limited entertainment value today.

The 30s is where we start seeing movies that can hold their own even today and with most being b&w and an aspect ratio in the 4:3 or 1.37:1 range many people don’t even want to watch these.