Commercials you ABSOLUTELY HATE

-The Wrangler jeans commercial with “Fortunate Son” playing in the back, carefully edited to make it a patriotic instead of protest song. I really hope John Fogerty either files suit or got a LOT of money for them to do that.

-Mazda commercials. That “zoom zoom” kid is really annoying. And I don’t know anybody who really cares what driving a car feels like anymore. Most people want a car that won’t break down in rush hour traffic.

-A Hilfiger? commercial with all these anorexic models talking about how looks don’t matter, it’s personality. I didn’t see a single normal-looking person in the bunch.

-Collect calling commercials. Now that Eva Savelot is gone, they all suck. Especially that annoying jerk Carrot Top. Yeah, I know that was mentioned in antoher thread, but you can’t say “Carrot Top is annoying” enough.

Those four are the worst offenders. When I see another one I really hate I’ll post it.

Grasshopper sittin’ On a railroad track
Sing Polly wolly doodle all the day
A-pickin’ his teeth
With a carpet tack
Singing Polly wolly doodle all the day
Fare thee well,
Fare thee well,
Fare thee well my fairy fay
For I’m going to Lou’siana to see my Susyanna
Singing Polly wolly doodle all the day…

This commercial implants this song in my head for days. That’s what makes it my Most Hated Commercial.


Isn’t this akin to asking “What urinary infections do you dislike?”

Any and all Mountain Dew commercials and, byt association, those who drink Mountain Dew.

I know this is an older crowd, so surely there’s folks here who, like me, remember when they couldn’t GIVE away Mountain Dew. It went through several attempts to hip it up (“Gimme a mountain, gimme a Dew!”) until they finally hit on the “extreme” bandwagon and struck paydirt. As a result, we endure this endless series of commercials on just how amazingly cool and rad those who drink Mountain Dew are, when in fact, most of them are a bunch of programmer geeks getting into pissing ocntests about who drinks more caffeine.

I especially hate the Crouching Tiger one, where they first rip off/appropriate CTHD, and then have the balls to run a disclaimer saying [sub]this commercial not affiliated with any movie[/sub]. Oh, ok, it’s your own invention, huh, you little weasels?

I’ll switch off the channel whenever any rap is played.
If I happen to be taping, so my VCR channel won’t change, I’ll turn off the TV entirely for 60 seconds.

Here in the UK we are getting a stupid Budweiser commercial about some guy inventing a foot long hot dog. Whats the point of this ?. It just does not mean anything to us Brits. Anyway US Bud is just an imposter ,true Bud is made in the Czech Republic !!

The one with the singing belly buttons makes me want to scream in horror every time I see it. That commercial is truly nightmare fuel.

I also hate the stupid beer commercials where the guy asks for “a cold one” and then his buddy dumps an Igloo or a pile of snow on his head. Yeah, funny. If I see this commercial again, I may throw a shoe at the TV.

And I absolutely detest all diamond commercials that imply that if a man does not spend three months’ salary on an engagement ring, he is no kind of man. And that diamonds are pretty much the only thing that women care about, so if you don’t get a big enough diamond, she is perfectly justified in dumping your ass. DeBeers can bite my left tit.

I hate (although it isn’t show too much anywmore, thank God) the Wassssap? commericals and the Wassssabi ones. The singing belly button one also drives me absolutely bonkers. Here in Maine, there is a McDonalds commerical on the radio (I’m not sure if they have it other places) where this guy is pretending to try to break the record for saying the word “blueberries” the most times in a commerical to celebrate Maine Wild Blueberry month or some crap like that. Anywho, it’s really really obnoxious.

I see that one so many times I could just scream!

That commercial that begins with a lady singing “One pound of hamburger sits in my fridge…” It makes me want to throw the television out the window. (I think it’s for some kind of Old Elpaso taco kits.)

Anything concerning “Isuzu Joe.”

A local TV station is featuring an ad that seems to be a remake of the “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” commercial. Their remake sucks–the actress who has fallen and cannot get up has absolutely no talent, unlike the lady in the original commercial.

There’s a commercial for either a skin care product or a cat food–I don’t remember which–that features a woman watching a cat licking its feet while, in the background, another woman is singing “This is the way…we WASH…our face…” There is no tone or rhythm to her singing. I hate it.

All of the Mike’s Hard Lemonade commercials have gotten old.

All of Robitussin’s “Dr. Mom” commercials. They make women look like flaky idiots unable to do anything but cook and dispense cold medicine.

Target’s commercials are so stupid that it’s funny. The same goes for the Martha Stewart/K-mart commercials–except for the one that had Martha naked in a bathtub. That was scary.

Any commercial or infomercial for any “tooth-whitening” product.

It’s for El Paso, and it grates on my nerves as well – mostly because the lyrics to that song are so hopelessly insipid.

The AFLACK duck must die.


But the eyecandy is lovely. Why can’t the vice-presidents at my company look like him?!


Somebody should take that singing bellybutton commercial out and shoot it.

Wassup? I fail to see what’s the slightest bit amusing about that one. The only one I thought was vaguely funny was the yuppies sitting around going “What are YOU doing?”

Anything with bare baby butts in it. I hate looking at bare baby butts.

That commercial for “Bibsters” that shows kids all covered with food slop (also the one for paper towels with the kid covered in rib goop). I can’t stand commercials with food-messy kids (dirty or muddy doesn’t bother me–just food).

While we’re discussing commercials–does anybody know if the piece of music in the chicken pox commercial (the one where the toys cry) was written for it or if it can be found somewhere else? I love that piece.

The commercial with the song “All I wanna do is thank you…” It enrages me. I hate it so much that, in order for that commercial to not be effective I did an Orwellian doublethink to basically force myself to not remember which company did that commercial. In other words I intentionally went into denial so that the commercial wouldn’t be effective. Thats how much I hate that fucking song.

-Mazda commercials. That “zoom zoom” kid is really annoying. And I don’t know anybody who really cares what driving a car feels like anymore. Most people want a car that won’t break down in rush hour traffic.

You know what’s wierd about that kid? He says “zoom zoom” exactly like the kid in the Sixth Sense says “I see dead people!”

Here’s my list-

  1. Flexmaster- first of all, I can’t think that’s gonna work. Second, I can’t figure out what accent it is she’s trying to use. Although it’s not as annoying as Miss Cleo!

  2. That stupid kid on drugs from the Dell commercials. You know the one where he’s trying to sell them to some other kids parents?

I hate that “Epil Stop” commercial where they are advertising that hair removal spray where youjust spray it on and wipe of all the hair. For those who haven’t seen it, there is this werewolf looking middle age man who has the hairiest back second only to a Sasquatch and he sprays the “Epil Stop” on and wipes this long strip of hair off his back. Nasty.
:: stomach turning ::

I hate the anti-smoking commercial thats running now. It’s set at “All-Smoke High” (I think), where it’s a rule that you have to be constantly smoking. Then they show you the principal, who talks out of one of those electronic voice boxes. All of the kids have huge circles under their eyes, and a lot of the kids have cancer. Now, I know they’re trying to keep people from smoking, and that’s good. But I just can’t see how this commercial is going to work. Of course if you have to chain smoke all day, everyday, then you’re going to be pretty un-healthy! This commercial makes a good case against schools requiring students to smoke, and that’s about it.

The first “Steve” Dell commercials were OK in a goofy sort of way. (I still say “Sorry about the rhododendrons, Mrs. Feffercorn.”) The best thing about those, though, is the parody that TechTV’s “The Screen Savers” did. It’s hilarious, because Martin does a dead-on imitation of Steve’s dorkiness.

For the record, no one has ever liked “Isuzu Joe.”

The “Being (insert athlete here)” commercials on ESPN are kind of dumb. They all have the same plot, and they were never funny.

The TNN “We’ve got POP!” promos are annoying as heck. As much as I like the channel now, the guy in charge of those needs to be “popped” in the mouth.


That horrible Taco Bell commercial with that idiot singing words to the tune of Bonanza? Ponderosa? - “I’m just a guy, a dude, and I’m hungry!”

PepsiCola - “Down Boy” with Brittany Spears.