Dental hygiene question

Every night (well, OK, almost every night) I brush and floss my teeth. Sometimes I Listerine as well. About once a week I use the Water Pik too. So here’s my question: What is the correct order for all of this? Typically I floss, and then brush, and then either Listerine or Water Pik. Am I doing it in the right order? Would it be better to brush first, and THEN floss?

It’s questions like these that drive me crazy.

My wife (a Dentist) does this: (1) brushes her teeth; (2) flosses; and (3) uses Scope; and and (4) doesn’t use a water pick personally.

I guess her routine would seem to indicate that you err by using Listerine instead of Scope. :slight_smile:

An old thread that may be of interest: Flossing: before or after brushing?

Oh, for crap’s sake. Thanks, bibliophage. I swear to God I searched before posting this, I really did. …sigh.