10 year olds in bikinis on the modelling catwalk - Valid art or crypto child porn?

I agree with you on the topless beach.

That kid is 10? Seriously? Lucky kid.

I was a C-cup at 10.

I’m in the inappropriate catagory because at 10 a kid shouldn’t be wearing a swimsuit she can’t swim in.

:rolleyes: Riiiiiight. Having an interest in fashion automatically makes a woman vapid and materialistic. There aren’t enough roll eyes in the world for that remark.

I love fashion and makeup and shoes and everything. I also love reading Russian Literature, studying languages, doing various needlecrafts, playing video games and have done anthropology homework for fun. But hey, I love fashion, so I’m just vapid and materialistic.

This is an arguement you’ll never win. Don’t you know - us gals that like to take care of ourselves have NOTHING going for us other than that? Jeez - how old are you, you should know this by now.

Well DUH. It’s not about your opinion. It’s about having the forsight to realize that pedophiles exist. Dressing a child in an outfit that is out of a Sport’s Illustrated swimsuit issue is a dangerous thing.

A bikini is considered a sexy outfit. What is shown is the skimpiest of the lot. Restated, it is an icon of sexuality applied to a child.

You see a little girl that could have fallen out of a Norman Rockwell painting. I see a nice man who pulls up in a car and asks her for help looking for his lost puppy.

I don’t see any sexual connotations.

Haven’t you every baby sat young girls? They are blissfully unaware of the sexual aspects of their bodies. They will not notice that thier skirts are riding up showing their panties, or do somersaults in skirts. That girl in the picture probably has no idea of that some adults might act like some people are acting in this thread, or understand what the big deal is about.

Let say a girl likes to wear a certain outfit because she likes the way it looks. An adult comes along and tells her not to wear it because guys might get sexually excited. Isn’t this form of forced sexual awareness, sexualizing children?

So why even allow children to go outside an play? Or do you think that it’s only young girls who wear sexy outfits that are getting abducted? And how about the young boys? What outfits are they wearing that are making them
targets? Jeans and shirts?

To correlate the appropriateness of this outfit to the child’s intention is absurd. The level of the child’s naive innocence is utterly beside the point. Young children depend on adults to care for and protect them. If, in a alternative universe or culture, a low cut bikini style outfit was not a sexualized from of dress it might be perfectly acceptable. However, in modern western society it is a highly sexualized form of dress and as such is not appropriate for young, pre-pubescent children.

You’re right. I think you should dress all your children like this and turn them loose. It’s the only logical thing to do.

What was I thinking when I said bikinis were considered sexy and it was a dumb idea to attach this iconography on a prepubescent child. A 10 year old girl has no concept of sexuality and therefore would not have to deal with a pedophile who in turn would have no interest in a child wearing almost no clothing at all.

Look sarcasm aside, this debate is similar to a lot of other issues. I can’t live my life based on what terrorist might do. I can’t have my wife dress down because what some rapist might do. And I think that children that age should be allowed to be children without having sexual rules put upon them because there are pedophiles out there

How many ‘runway’ shows have you been to? As I have said, many times, they are not sexual. They are not about the models. The top runway models, you don’t know their names. Those events are not about the models, they are about clothing. CLOTHING.

The models don’t mean a thing.

Why do you insist that the catwalk makes it a ‘sexy’ environment? They are not sexy environments. I’ve been to them and have worked backstage. They are not there to get people off.

So it would be my fault if I allowed my daughter to wear this when a pervert came up and raped her? After all, if I didn’t dress her this way, then he wouldn’t want her. That is what you are saying. You might think a bikini is an ICON of sexuality, but go to public pool man and look at real women, instead of the women in that ‘sport’ magazine. (not always sexy)

You’re right. I think you should dress all your children like this and turn them loose. It’s the only logical thing to do.

So why don’t you answere the question? What parts of the little girl are OK to show in any context? Tell us.

My apologies for the sarcasm but it was to drive home a point.

I agree with your premise and I understand your point but you also have to think in terms of probability.

By your logic I should be able to drive anywhere I want because that is my right to do so. There are places I will not drive to because it is dangerous to do so. I can increase the level of danger in such an area by:

  • driving specific cars
  • owning specific rims.
  • driving at night

It’s a sad state of affairs but that is life. When I was 5 I walked a 1/2 mile to school everyday with my 8 year old sister. We didn’t worry about child molesters because the entire neighborhood was very aware of what went on around it. The idea of Columbine was non-existent. The world is a different place today. I love Lucy was replaced by Jerry Springer. You can now bring videos of people having sex with animals into your house via the internet we’re using now. Internet pedophile rings have been busted before and I have no reason to doubt they exist today in abundance.

Apply the reality of life to this discussion. Sex sells and Sports Illustrated swimsuit addition is an example of the clothing in question. A bikini is considered a sexy clothing item. The skimpier the bikini the sexier it is. It’s not arguable to say that it shouldn’t be or that not all people feel this way. Putting an outfit that is considered sexy on a little girl is not a good thing. In this case she is supposed to be 10. This is far different than 5. Even her hairstyle is something an adult woman would wear, particularly with a bikini. I can’t remember if it was flowers but she had something in her hair and she looked like a Hawaiian vacation ad. Personally, I wouldn’t want my girlfriend to wear something this skimpy. She would have to shave down to her mons-pubis.

So while your point is that she should be allowed to live her childhood free of sexual outside influence the reality of pedophilia is real. IMO the outfit in question represents a significant absence of clothing and will increase the likelihood of predatory behavior. Do you see my point here?

If you don’t get it you will never get it and I’m not going to banter with you. I hope you never have to deal with the consequences of a pedophile. Have a nice day. Seriously.

Gee, you don’t think maybe it’s just increased awareness of the seamier side of humanity? When all news channels/broadcasts focus on disasters or terrors looming to prey on people’s fears, of course it seems like it’s EVERYWHERE, because that’s all we see. The news spends maybe 2 minutes on a little feel-good segment about the little old ladies having a bake sale to raise funds for a trip to Europe so they can go to their parents’ homelands before they kick off, and the rest of the time is CHILD PREDATORS, SERIAL KILLERS, STALKER RAPISTS, POPTARTS OF DOOM, etc.

So again, of course it seems like it’s everywhere now. I really doubt it’s all that much worse than when you were a kid; your parents just weren’t conditioned to freak out at every little thing that might happen.

Oh, and regarding Leave it to Beaver, I Love Lucy et al:

The people I know who lived during that era say that real life obviously wasn’t that perfect. It’s a total perfect-fantasy of a perfect-fantasy family that didn’t exist in real life. At least the ones who aren’t looking with selective vision (so they can edit out every single bad thing that happened and gripe about ‘kids these days’, etc) do.

I am more concerned about it from the parents thought process, as opposed to some drooling bogeyman pedophile point of view.

Now Derleth will take me to task once again, I am sure, but if a parent dresses a child in a sexually provocative manner, what could they possibly be thinking? No one has yet answered that question.

While there is certainly more public awareness there is also a higher degree of the nonsense that goes on to day. When I was a child we knew all our neighbors. A stranger could not walk down the street and talk to a child without someone noticing. Not only did events like Columbine not occur on a regular basis we could take classes in how to handle fire-arms which included shooting a pistol. Some schools had target shooting as a pass-time sport. When I as in shop class I made a knife with an 8 inch blade (solid brass fittings, walnut handle, blade polished to a mirror finish and sharpened well enough to shave with).

Sorry dude. It existed and I lived it. I’ve also watched it slowly disappear so welcome to YOUR world. There are still close knit communities around but their more like pockets within.

“they’re”, not “their”.