14CV88 banned as racially offensive

Explanation for the un-hip?

Whether you want to quibble with the racist intent or not (and I think the racist intent is presnt more often than not) it’s unequivovally an anti-American message, and a pro-terrorist one as well. The Confederacy was a racist, terrorist hate group and an enemy of the United States.

Yea, I guess this more or less settles the debate, the Courts seem to have decided that your license plate is a forum for personal speech. This seems kinda bizzare, IMHO, its a government owned chunk of metal (except in AZ, I guess) and the number is primarily there for use by the government in keeping track of your vehicle. But skimming those cases, the Courts seem to have decided its a “government provided forum”, in which case I agree that the State can’t keep you from praising Hitler or whatever there.

Well, that’s your viewpoint. The definition of obscenity/vulgarity is subjective and in an ideal world, would have absolutely no bearing on any legal decision or proceeding.

“Forsee King James thousand”?

“For Christ Killed Jooos”?

“Forck the Jooos”?

Help me out here!

“Joo” is internet-speak for “you,”, lord only knows why. So 4CKJ000 means “fuck you”.

Huh. All I came up with was “forsake a Jew.”

If only they’d allow 9 or 10 character custom plates, then this one would be instabanned


The discussion of the Confederate Battle Flag is no longer relevant in this thread.

Drop it.

[ /Modding ]

I don’t think this does the job at all. It’s true that states don’t have to allow vanity plates, but you seem to claim that because the government can prohibit a whole mode of speech any content-based restriction they care to impose on that mode of speech is is trivial. And that’s clearly got to be wrong if we care about free speech. Which we do.


Huh, I don’t get what you are trying to say here. The state issues the licenses for their record keeping purposes. It makes as much sense for them to be able to limit what they say as much as they can limit the number of letters and numbers on it, I would think.

Please explain to me how these restrictions impose any limitations on someone’s free speech rights.

Could a state permit LV DA GOP but deny LV DA DEMS ?

Actually I would think yes they could, legally.

I had heard of this Internet thing, but I’ve never run across this before.

And how do you get “fuck” out of “4CK”? Is that Internet-speak too?

Well, guess what? You’re factually wrong, but at least we have identified the source of the confusion.

No they could not.

A bit of LEET and bit of slang and a bit of punning.

If you have never heard anyone make a joke of “fork you,” (with the same pronunciation as 4ck you), then you may have missed a silly insult, but you have also missed the source of the construction.

Great…we do not live in an ideal world, and “my” viewpoint is presently the law of the land.

I was answering whether I thought they should be able to. I understand the law won’t allow it.

What if state license plate regulations put a limit of seven characters on a plate? The state could permit LV DA GOP and deny LV DA DEMS then.