3500-character post limit? That's a deal-breaker

Pretty sure it’s been lifted. I’ve made and read some that were far over the old limit.

Not sure what it is now, but I’ve not run into it.

I really wish they would notify us of changes they make to the board.

I’ve requested this previously, but didn’t even get the courtesy of a reply.

I checked on one long post, It was over 5000 words and just under 30,000 characters. I don’t know whether the just under was deliberate to get under a new limit or mere coincidence, though.

Thanks, everyone. My latest creation was so long I decided to make it three posts anyway. But I can tell you, 16,500 characters and 2,400 words, with charts and graphics, will fit in one post… of course, whether or not one post is correct for such a long piece, I’ll leave up to the discretion of the author.