$36,000 a plate. Where did it go?

You sound remarkably naive about politics for someone throwing opinions around. It sounds like you WANT the candidate not-of-your-choice to appear a hypocrite. Here’s a news flash - EVERYONE in politics does this. For every celebrity who goes to Darfur and adopts an orphan and gives to the Democrats, there are a dozen rich industrialists and rich doctors and lawyers who give to the Republicans.

As I said in my earlier post, it takes millions, hundreds of millions, to run for president. The rules are written so that they can accept these donations, and obviously they are (all) milking the rules to the limit. It is necessary to raise this money. It is how it has been done since bribery became more difficult to accomplish. It is how it has been done since it was necessary to become a candidate, you had to woo actual voters instead of a bunch of guys in smoke-filled rooms, ever since you could no longer buy the presidency for your son by bribing the Chicago political machine. It’s the way the system works.

The Republicans have been doing this since January - it’s just that when Hollywood celebrities buy a dinner, it makes the news. When the biggest car dealer in Podunk buys a $10,000 plate for dinner with Bachmann or Romney, it does not make national news.

If you have a better idea, occupy a park and get people to accept your idea of how elections should work. To quote a good politician, “enough of the phony outrage.”