50 things to do before you're 30 - which have you done?

Is it just my imagination, or is this a pretty male-oriented list? (Not complaining, just saying.) I think the list for females would be a lot different (there would be less emphasis on taking things apart, breaking things, and getting in trouble with the law, probably. Ok, maybe the law stuff would be the same.)

Who is Nigel Blinman, and on what authority does he call the shots?

Sorry, but some of these are just plain stupid and or…well, vulgar (in the cheap, non-classy sense). I mean…"buy a samurai sword? Spend a lot of money on an electronic device? This is what passes for cool these days?

Please, leave this sort of list to a professional. Esquire magazine did this years ago… I’ll try to track it down.

  1. Have a really stupid accident which necessitates a hospital visit
  2. Shoot something
  3. Take a weekend break more than 1000 miles from home
  4. Get lost in a country where you don’t speak the language
  5. Spend more than your monthly income on a pocket sized gadget
  6. Break a really large plate glass window
  7. Delay paying a bill until the summons arrives
  8. Destroy a speed camera
  9. Refill an inkjet cartridge
  10. Do a J turn in order to beat somebody to a parking space
  11. Break a sledgehammer
  12. Smash a CRT
  13. Tip a waiter with something other than money
  14. Light a fire with petrol
  15. Drive at more than 140mph.
  16. Get something for free through a masterpiece of complaining
  17. Give yourself a mains electric shock.
  18. Completely dismantle an object larger than yourself
  19. Write off a car
  20. Fall asleep and get really hilarious sunburn
  21. Get drunk on Absinthe
  22. Stay up all night listening to a girl have an emotional crisis
  23. Lick the terminals of a 9 volt battery
  24. Take part in motorsport
  25. Stay at the office for more than 24 hours
  26. Set off a fire extinguisher
  27. Drive at least 600 miles in a day on two lane roads
  28. Hotwire a car
  29. Dial 999
  30. Commit a faux pas which means that a friend will never speak to you again
  31. Make a bet you couldn’t afford to lose
  32. Read a 500 page book in one sitting
  33. Escape a perfectly justified parking ticket.

33/50. Not bad at all. All that and I’ve never even seen the inside of a prison, although it’s not from lack of effort.

1. Have a really stupid accident which necessitates a hospital visit
“No, look, it’s easy to climb over a barbed wire fence, I’ll show you…”

4. Boot Linux on your home PC
No, but I did boot an OS that I wrote myself from scratch, which I think is a fair substitute.

5. Get lost in a country where you don’t speak the language
I got lost in Paris about a dozen times in the four days I was there. Thank God for French high-school girls, is all I can say.

10. Use a whole roll of gaffa tape in one day
Does duct tape count?

15. Delay paying a bill until the summons arrives
Yep. Whoops.

16. Destroy a speed camera
Thankfully it was old and frail already.

17. Refill an inkjet cartridge
At this point, who hasn’t done this?

20. Break a sledgehammer
…by using it to get ice off of a driveway. Shun me.

25. Light a fire with petrol
No story, there was just a big pile of stuff that needed to catch fire.

30. Drive at more than 140mph.
It was a long, flat road with miles of visibility. Not too adventurous.

35. Fall asleep and get really hilarious sunburn
Concentric circles, in my case. I got him back.

37. Stay up all night listening to a girl have an emotional crisis
I’ve done it for boys, too.

38. Lick the terminals of a 9 volt battery
I was nine, leave me alone.

40. Stay at the office for more than 24 hours
Only if a computer lab at school counts. That was a rough weekend.

41. Set off a fire extinguisher
Extinguishing a kitchen fire. I looked ridiculous; I had no idea how to do it and I damn near set it off backwards.

48. Make a bet you couldn’t afford to lose
I lost, but the winner let me off. Lucky day.

49. Read a 500 page book in one sitting
I probably do this once a month.

50. Escape a perfectly justified parking ticket.
And to this day, I don’t know how I did it.

  1. I guess that’s respectable, for a sheltered CS geek from suburbia. Judging by this thread, I’d say Nigel Blinman is a wuss.

I’ve never done any of these. I’m so behind.

I have ridden in a car while someone else drove more than 600 miles in a day, though. Does that count?

  1. Take a weekend break more than 1000 miles from home
  2. Get lost in a country where you don’t speak the language
  3. Make a pointless modification to your house
  4. Make a bomb
  5. Smash a CRT
  6. Light a fire with petrol
  7. Drive at more than 140mph.
  8. Give yourself a mains electric shock.
  9. Completely dismantle an object larger than yourself
  10. Lick the terminals of a 9 volt battery
  11. Stay at the office for more than 24 hours
  12. Set off a fire extinguisher
  13. Drive at least 600 miles in a day on two lane roads
  14. Watch all the Monty Python films In one sitting
  15. Read a 500 page book in one sitting

Several ofthese were while I was in the Navy. The CRT & Bomb were just for Fun.


Palm Pilot. $199. Late 1998. Monthly income: ~$50, yard work and snow shoveling for my neighbor. I was 17.

When I was 8 or 9, I rounded off the corners of the bricks on the steps to my family’s house.

I did buy a bokken. This thread is kinda pushing me towards actually getting a true blade, but that’d be for the wrong reasons. Such things are deserving of respect.

Thermite. Still have it in a jar somewhere. Mg strip and all.

I have a gimp monitor over in the corner here. Perhaps the hand of fate is ultimately beckoning to it at last.

Ah, to be 13 again.

By the blue book, it was totaled about twice over, but the parts to repair it (mostly body damage) were a drop in the bucket. My parents are cool like that; they know that a manual transmission is not to be cast aside lightly, however screwed to bejesus and back in might be.

I am an emotional whore.

Did it before I could read, stands to reason that I did it before I could talk. 20 years later, I still remember the taste. Mmmmm, current.

I love Montana. 'Course, North Dakota helped.

Dated his ex. I am shame personified.

  1. Take a weekend break more than 1000 miles from home
    Got me some hoochie lovin
  2. Get lost in a country where you don’t speak the language
    Mexican border town in the middle of a weekday night is kinda scary
  3. Spend more than your monthly income on a pocket sized gadget
    Easy enough when you make minimum wage and live at home for free
  4. Smash a CRT
    We lived next to a dump, I smashed lots of neat stuff
  5. Get something for free through a masterpiece of complaining
    But I was entitled
  6. Give yourself a mains electric shock.
    A quick bit of lying and no one found out
  7. Stay up all night listening to a girl have an emotional crisis
  8. Lick the terminals of a 9 volt battery
    What father didn’t trick his son intp doing that? It’s like taking a whiff of amonia.
  9. Drive at least 600 miles in a day on two lane roads
    Went from Biloxi, MS to Manhattan, KS. Highway 82 to Paris, TX at 3am is scary as hell. Those trucks drive WAY to fast.
  10. Make a bet you couldn’t afford to lose
    But I absolutely knew it was Pee Wee Herman in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
  11. Read a 500 page book in one sitting
    More then once. Not too hard when you’re a shut-in
  1. Have a really stupid accident which necessitates a hospital visit
    -Sprained my ankle jumping down some stairs. I’d say that qualifies, wouldn’t you?

  2. Take a weekend break more than 1000 miles from home
    -Well, I was in Israel for 3 weeks and Scotland/England/Ireland for a week, so I’m going to say that counts.

  3. Get lost in a country where you don’t speak the language

  4. Spend more than your monthly income on a pocket sized gadget
    -iPod for my now ex-girlfriend. … Shut up.

  5. Buy a samurai sword
    -Does a broadsword count? Sure it does.

  6. Do a J turn in order to beat somebody to a parking space

  7. Make a bomb.
    -Liquid nitrogen + water + bottle = BOOM!

  8. Smash a CRT

  9. Write off a car
    -I took a highway exit too fast.

  10. Stay up all night listening to a girl have an emotional crisis

  11. Stay at the office for more than 24 hours
    -I don’t know that I was in the student newspaper office for 24 consecutive hours, but I definitely worked that long on the special features pullout section two Springs ago.

  12. Watch all the Monty Python films In one sitting
    -The number of times I’ve watched them, this counts.

  13. Dial 999
    -Just now, so I could add it in. :smiley: (For us Merkins, it’s not any kind of real number. I got an error recording.)

  14. Read a 500 page book in one sitting
    -Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Four hours.
    Hey, 14/50. I suck. Well, I still have 9 years to get the other 36. Though I don’t really want to shag an ex girlfriend “by mistake,” nor pickup a shemale, nor give myself a large electrical shock. I guess I’m just boring like that.

  1. Have a really stupid accident which necessitates a hospital visit
    Yep. Few times. My favorite is face-first through a farmer’s stone wall on a sled.
  2. Shoot something
  3. Take a weekend break more than 1000 miles from home
    The happiest place on Earth! Tijuana!
  4. Boot Linux on your home PC
    Oh, god, yeah.
  5. Get lost in a country where you don’t speak the language
    The happiest place on Earth! Tijuana!
  6. Spend more than your monthly income on a pocket sized gadget
    … I collect japanese toys. Don’t ask.
  7. Post bail for a friend
    Done an equivalent.
  8. Break a really large plate glass window
    HEAD FIRST, BABY! Didn’t get a scratch.
  9. Make a parachute jump on a hangover
    Not on a hangover. Don’t drink.
  10. Use a whole roll of gaffa tape in one day
    … Duct tape. Oh, yeah. Son of a son of a sailor.
  11. Make a pointless modification to your house
    HEAD FIRST, BABY! No, not… okay. Well, that doesn’t count. But I made a flagstone portico.
  12. Buy a samurai sword
    Excalibur. Contractors stole it.
  13. Refill an inkjet cartridge
    With a medical syringe and inkwell ink. To see if it could be done. On a Deskjet Plus.
  14. Do a J turn in order to beat somebody to a parking space
    I work in New York City.
  15. Break a sledgehammer
    Spent a summer turning big rocks into small ones. Not in jail, landscaping.
  16. Make a bomb
    Done it. Several ways.
  17. Smash a CRT
    Not only have I done it, until last year when we ran out of CRTs, I SHOT the suckers when they died.
  18. Light a fire with petrol
    Done it. Those were some good ribs. Kerosene, though.
  19. Kidnap someone
    Done it. Don’t ask.
  20. Park inside a motorway service station
    … This is a big deal?
  21. Own a convertible.
    '92 Geo Trakker.
  22. Live abroad.
    For a month or three.
  23. Drive at more than 140mph.
    In a Porsche 935, yeah. Fastest I’ve had the World’s Strangest Station Wagon up to was 132. The-o-retically, it revlimits at 135. 132 was in 5th gear, at 6000 RPM. It has a 8200 rpm redline, and a six speed. 140 on the track, 132 on the road…
  24. Give yourself a mains electric shock.
    When I was three. I have never forgotten this. Scar has, however, gone away after… mumble… years.
  25. Completely dismantle an object larger than yourself
    Hell yeah!
  26. Write off a car
    I miss that Honda.
  27. Fall asleep and get really hilarious sunburn
    Son of a son of a sailor. Wearing a Gilligan Hat.
  28. Stay up all night listening to a girl have an emotional crisis
    More times than… sigh.
  29. Lick the terminals of a 9 volt battery
    You know, three weeks ago, I was surprised people hadn’t done this.
  30. Take part in motorsport
  31. Stay at the office for more than 24 hours
  32. Set off a fire extinguisher
    Oh, yeah.
  33. Drive at least 600 miles in a day on two lane roads
    I was going to drive to Cali on the remains of Rt 66, but the car didn’t survive.
  34. Hotwire a car
  35. Watch all the Monty Python films In one sitting
    What, even Jabberwocky? I did watch all of Robotech:The Macross Saga in one sitting. My head hurts.
  36. Dial 999
    911? Yep. Even by accident.
  37. Read a 500 page book in one sitting
    Sure, no biggie.
  38. Escape a perfectly justified parking ticket.
    Yeah, well… once.


  1. Have a really stupid accident which necessitates a hospital visit : Stepped out a slowly moving car to retrieve a cigarette. Car ran my foot over.

  2. Get lost in a country where you don’t speak the language: Became hopelessly lost in Brugges, Belgium when I was trying to find the train station. I have this theory that Dutch is made up on the spot with non-sensical sounds.

  3. Post bail for a friend: Three in damn morning, too. Friend got busted for paraphenlia at a bar. Apparently a small pipe fell out of his pocket in the presence of a cop.

  4. Delay paying a bill until the summons arrives: Yes; the book of the month club can be surprisingly mean.

  5. Tip a waiter with something other than money: When I was in high school, I tipped a waiter with cigarettes because I had only enough cash to pay for my food.

  6. Light a fire with petrol: Yes, drunken bonfires are the best.

  7. Get drunk on Absinthe: a friend of my boss’ smuggled some from Prague; my boss then gave me a flask of it as an X-Mas present. Marvelous alcohol; they should legalize it here.

  8. Stay up all night listening to a girl have an emotional crisis: Yes, anytime I have a girlfriend.

  9. Lick the terminals of a 9 volt battery: Yes, my step-dad dared me to.

  10. Read a 500 page book in one sitting: I read “The Brothers Karamazov” in one day; I can’t remember if it was more than 500 pages long, though.

Navy means it has been done.

  1. Have a really stupid accident which necessitates a hospital visit
  2. Shoot something
  3. Take a weekend break more than 1000 miles from home
  4. Boot Linux on your home PC
  5. Get lost in a country where you don’t speak the language
  6. Spend more than your monthly income on a pocket sized gadget
  7. Post bail for a friend
  8. Break a really large plate glass window
  9. Make a parachute jump on a hangover
  10. Use a whole roll of gaffa tape in one day
  11. Make a pointless modification to your house
  12. Neck a pint of peppermint oil
  13. Pull a shemale by mistake (but realise in time…)
  14. Buy a samurai sword
  15. Delay paying a bill until the summons arrives
  16. Destroy a speed camera
  17. Refill an inkjet cartridge
  18. Say something obscene on national television
  19. Do a J turn in order to beat somebody to a parking space
  20. Break a sledgehammer
  21. Make a bomb
  22. Smash a CRT
  23. Require medical treatment as a consequence of kinky sex gone wrong (STDs don’t count.)
  24. Tip a waiter with something other than money
  25. Light a fire with petrol
  26. Kidnap someone
  27. Park inside a motorway service station
  28. Own a convertible.
  29. Live abroad.
  30. Drive at more than 140mph.
  31. Get something for free through a masterpiece of complaining
  32. Give yourself a mains electric shock.
  33. Completely dismantle an object larger than yourself
  34. Write off a car
  35. Fall asleep and get really hilarious sunburn
  36. Get drunk on Absinthe
  37. Stay up all night listening to a girl have an emotional crisis
  38. Lick the terminals of a 9 volt battery
  39. Take part in motorsport
  40. Stay at the office for more than 24 hours
  41. Set off a fire extinguisher
  42. Drive at least 600 miles in a day on two lane roads
  43. Hotwire a car
  44. Watch all the Monty Python films In one sitting
  45. Shag an ex-girlfriend by mistake
  46. Dial 999
  47. Commit a faux pas which means that a friend will never speak to you again
  48. Make a bet you couldn’t afford to lose
  49. Read a 500 page book in one sitting
  50. Escape a perfectly justified parking ticket.
  1. Shoot something - only if BB guns count.
  2. Take a weekend break more than 1000 miles from home - Seattle to Texas
  3. Boot Linux on your home PC - RedHat
  4. Get lost in a country where you don’t speak the language - Cuidad Acuna
  5. Delay paying a bill until the summons arrives
  6. Make a bomb - chemistry and rocketry gone bad
  7. Smash a CRT - I did this one after I turned 30.
  8. Tip a waiter with something other than money - Haagen Daaz ice cream
  9. Light a fire with petrol - grounded for the rest of the summer
  10. Live abroad - once. for 20 days. in 1994. (I bought the one way ticket, but it didn’t work out.)
  11. Write off a car - did this after 30 also, my last car.
  12. Stay up all night listening to a girl have an emotional crisis - too many times
  13. Lick the terminals of a 9 volt battery - what kid hasn’t
  14. Drive at least 600 miles in a day on two lane roads - Nevada in February. The most I have ever been scared for my life.
  15. Commit a faux pas which means that a friend will never speak to you again - too many times
  16. Make a bet you couldn’t afford to lose - too many times.
  17. Read a 500 page book in one sitting - too many times also, but I dont regret those so much.
    Wow, that was more than I originally thought.
  1. Have a really stupid accident which necessitates a hospital visit - yup. Car crash
  2. Shoot something - Yup. With Mr. K before we were an item.
  3. Take a weekend break more than 1000 miles from home - Yup. Chicago to Florida.
  4. Boot Linux on your home PC - No.
  5. Get lost in a country where you don’t speak the language - No.
  6. Spend more than your monthly income on a pocket sized gadget - No such thing.
  7. Post bail for a friend - Yup. Many times.
  8. Break a really large plate glass window - I was over 30.
  9. Make a parachute jump on a hangover - No.
  10. Use a whole roll of gaffa tape in one day - No.
  11. Make a pointless modification to your house - No.
  12. Neck a pint of peppermint oil - No.
  13. Pull a shemale by mistake (but realise in time…) - What does this mean? I made out with a guy who was really a girl…does that count?
  14. Buy a samurai sword - No, but we own one.
  15. Delay paying a bill until the summons arrives - Yes.
  16. Destroy a speed camera - No.
  17. Refill an inkjet cartridge - Didn’t exist.
  18. Say something obscene on national television - No, damnit.
  19. Do a J turn in order to beat somebody to a parking space - Yes.
  20. Break a sledgehammer - No.
  21. Make a bomb - Yes…but it was small.
  22. Smash a CRT -** No.**
  23. Require medical treatment as a consequence of kinky sex gone wrong (STDs don’t count.) - No.
  24. Tip a waiter with something other than money - No, but I tipped a cabby with a joint.
  25. Light a fire with petrol - Yes, and I still do occasionally.
  26. Kidnap someone - No.
  27. Park inside a motorway service station -** ?**
  28. Own a convertible. - No.
  29. Live abroad. - No.
  30. Drive at more than 140mph. - No.
  31. Get something for free through a masterpiece of complaining - Yes.
  32. Give yourself a mains electric shock. -** No.**
  33. Completely dismantle an object larger than yourself - No.
  34. Write off a car -** No.**
  35. Fall asleep and get really hilarious sunburn - Yes.
  36. Get drunk on Absinthe -** No.**
  37. Stay up all night listening to a girl have an emotional crisis -** Yes.**
  38. Lick the terminals of a 9 volt battery - No.
  39. Take part in motorsport - No.
  40. Stay at the office for more than 24 hours - Yes.
  41. Set off a fire extinguisher - No.
  42. Drive at least 600 miles in a day on two lane roads - No.
  43. Hotwire a car - accomplice, but not the actual hotwirer. It was our car.
  44. Watch all the Monty Python films In one sitting - No.
  45. Shag an ex-girlfriend by mistake - No.
  46. Dial 999 -** No.**
  47. Commit a faux pas which means that a friend will never speak to you again - Yes.
  48. Make a bet you couldn’t afford to lose - No.
  49. Read a 500 page book in one sitting - No.
  50. Escape a perfectly justified parking ticket. - Yes.

I believe a much better list could be created, but on this, I’ve did 11 before my 30th birthday.

  1. Have a really stupid accident which necessitates a hospital visit – twice, both while jumping bikes. The first (and worse) one, I abraded all the skin off my left forearm and cracked a tooth.

  2. Shoot something - boy scouts. 'Nuff said.

  3. Take a weekend break more than 1000 miles from home - My cousin’s wedding, visiting the folks, etc.

  4. Get lost in a country where you don’t speak the language - During the summer I lived in Italy, this happened on two or three occasions.

  5. Delay paying a bill until the summons arrives - Those folks at the BMG Music Club don’t pussyfoot around.

  6. Live abroad. - see above

  7. Get something for free through a masterpiece of complaining - who hasn’t?

  8. Fall asleep and get really hilarious sunburn - more than once

  9. Stay up all night listening to a girl have an emotional crisis - This is what my freshman year of college was like.

  10. Take part in motorsport - also go-karts

  11. Set off a fire extinguisher - In my dorm we used to have fights with these


  1. Have a really stupid accident which necessitates a hospital visit Probably the STUPIDEST was when I was riding my first horse and he took me thru a low door at a gallop, I got a concussion from it.

  2. Shoot something Just cans and such, but it’s SOMETHING…

  3. Take a weekend break more than 1000 miles from home It was a LONG weekend, but still…

  4. Make a pointless modification to your house Added storage cabinets that weren’t really needed

  5. Delay paying a bill until the summons arrives Not by choice… :o

  6. Do a J turn in order to beat somebody to a parking space

  7. Drive at more than 140mph. *Not quite 140, got up to 110. Can I count it?

  8. Lick the terminals of a 9 volt battery Hasn’t everyone ??


  1. Have a really stupid accident which necessitates a hospital visit

  2. Shoot something

  3. Take a weekend break more than 1000 miles from home

  4. Boot Linux on your home PC

  5. Get lost in a country where you don’t speak the language

  6. Spend more than your monthly income on a pocket sized gadget

  7. Break a really large plate glass window

  8. Use a whole roll of gaffa tape in one day

  9. Make a pointless modification to your house

  10. Delay paying a bill until the summons arrives

  11. Refill an inkjet cartridge

  12. Do a J turn in order to beat somebody to a parking space

  13. Break a sledgehammer

  14. Make a bomb

  15. Smash a CRT

  16. Tip a waiter with something other than money

  17. Light a fire with petrol

  18. Own a convertible.

  19. Live abroad.

  20. Drive at more than 140mph.

  21. Get something for free through a masterpiece of complaining

  22. Give yourself a mains electric shock.

  23. Completely dismantle an object larger than yourself

  24. Write off a car

  25. Fall asleep and get really hilarious sunburn

  26. Stay up all night listening to a girl have an emotional crisis

  27. Lick the terminals of a 9 volt battery

  28. Take part in motorsport

  29. Stay at the office for more than 24 hours

  30. Set off a fire extinguisher

  31. Drive at least 600 miles in a day on two lane roads

  32. Hotwire a car

  33. Dial 911

  34. Commit a faux pas which means that a friend will never speak to you again

  35. Read a 500 page book in one sitting

  36. Escape a perfectly justified parking ticket.

Some of these seem extraordinarily mundane and average

I count 36 in my list. Don’t want to count yours, just tell us how many after your lists please.

  1. Have a really stupid accident which necessitates a hospital visit
  2. Shoot something
  3. Take a weekend break more than 1000 miles from home (I am doing it again this weekend, by the way)
  4. Get lost in a country where you don’t speak the language
  5. Make a parachute jump on a hangover (half credit, 270-something jumps, all of them sober)
  6. Refill an inkjet cartridge
  7. Break a sledgehammer
  8. Make a bomb
  9. Require medical treatment as a consequence of kinky sex gone wrong (STDs don’t count.) (Well she did. I get half-credit)
  10. Light a fire with petrol
  11. Own a convertible.
  12. Live abroad.
  13. Completely dismantle an object larger than yourself
  14. Write off a car
  15. Stay at the office for more than 24 hours
  16. Drive at least 600 miles in a day on two lane roads
  17. Commit a faux pas which means that a friend will never speak to you again
  18. Read a 500 page book in one sitting

Darn silly list, how about seeing the Tree of Life in Bahrain? I did that too.

  1. Have a really stupid accident which necessitates a hospital visit
  2. Shoot something
  3. Post bail for a friend
  4. Delay paying a bill until the summons arrives
  5. Refill an inkjet cartridge
  6. Make a bomb.
  7. Tip a waiter with something other than money
  8. Light a fire with petrol
  9. Get something for free through a masterpiece of complaining
  10. Stay up all night listening to a girl have an emotional crisis
  11. Stay at the office for more than 24 hours
  12. Set off a fire extinguisher
  13. Dial 911
  14. Commit a faux pas which means that a friend will never speak to you again
  15. Read a 500 page book in one sitting

That’s 15 – 14, if you count the fact I made a Molotov cocktail and set a abandoned cabin in the woods on fire, which seems to combine #21 and #25.

I’ve almost done these seven:

8. Break a really large plate glass window.
I’ve walked through a sliding glass door when I was 18. Still have the scars. This is diffrent from the OTHER stupid accidents that have landed me in the hospital.

11. Make a pointless modification to your house.
It was a small one bedroom apartment. I hated my bedroom so one day, in a burst of inspiration, I moved everything in my living room downstairs, put my couch outside on the curb with a sign saying “Free to good home”, then moved everything from my bedroom into my living room and made the bedroom my den/office. Lots of people did double-takes visiting my apartment. I was 31 when I did this, so I missed the age cut.

13. Pull a shemale by mistake (but realise in time…)
I didn’t pull her for me, but playing wingman at The Blue Flame for friend.

14. Buy a samurai sword
My grandfather willed me a katana sword he bought in Japan after WWII, but my grandmother gave it away before I could claim it.

20. Break a sledgehammer
I’ve broken a claw hammer once, two axes while chopping wood and once, memorably, a crowbar while trying to pry a rusted floor safe door open.

18. Say something obscene on national television
Heh. I forgot about this. Okay, we were protesting federal student aid cuts in '97 and one of the college counselors asked me to make the protest signs. If you leave me unsupervised with a task like this I will sure as shit get into trouble. While most of my signs were straightforward, two of my signs said, “Student Aid Cuts Suck Donkey Balls” and “Screw You, President Clitoris!” These made the local news unedited on the six o’clock broadcast, but were blurred out by 11.

45. Shag an ex-girlfriend by mistake.
I regretted it afterwards, it wasn’t a mistake, and I was older than 30.