95% of the population - Undatable

LOL… until I read yosemite’s response above, I read that as the word “fit”!! They aren’t dateable because they are in so much better physical shape than he is. How funny is that?

I know that people started throwing this figure out to be funny (I think because of Seinfeld?) but is way off if you analyze it. THIS ESTIMATE IS FOR THE WHOLE POPULATION. The population includes: people not of your preferred sex, the elderly, children, people in prison for the rest of their lives, people in a vegetative state, people that have taken a vow of celibacy, and members of PETA. Even if you are the most indisciminate pervert, I think that you will find it hard to be attracted to 1 in 20 people that you see or meet. That would mean that you would go out of your mind simply walking through a shopping mall or standing in line at Disney World. The rough estimate for myself means that 5% datable is over 40x too high and that is before I applied other criteria.