A check for over $1000 for me? I'm scared!

Gee, and here I thought maybe Houseman had sold you!

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

And if it had been up to Pain and Heartache, the bidding would have stopped about about 50 bucks, I reckon… :wink:

On the other end of the IRS spectrum, I’ve been recieving a check from the US Treasury like clockwork every two years for the last 18 years.

I’ve never cashed any of them.

They’re all an attempt to pay a refund I am owed from my tax return.

My tax return of 1985.

I’m an idiot you say? Well, yeah, you’d pretty much be correct about that, but that’s not the issue here.

The refund amount from 1985? $1.00

The checks now arrive with interest. They’re $1.01 now!

What I can never understand is why the IRS hasn’t just simply rolled this payment into one of my tax refunds from ANY of the years between 1985 and now. Nope, the Andover, Mass IRS office fires off that damned $1.01 check every two years instead.

Why don’t I cash them and get the $1.01 off the books? Because I love the fact that I can point to this lunacy as an example of the fact that our government never changes, never gets any smarter, never improves. It comforts me to know that no matter who occupies the Whitehouse, what war the idiot has started, who the guy is doing under the desk, and so forth, there’s the IRS - steady as a rock; spending goodness knows how much to keep track of that dollar they owe me from 1985.

TVGuy, that really makes me feel a lot better about the state of our country, too.