A daddy’s delightful daughter. Beta-chan at (almost) 5 months

Eee! coos over pictures Such a lovely grinning baby!

Major squee-ing here. She’s so cute! And I hope you are saving your posts to give to her one day. Of course, she’ll know Daddy loves her but she’ll treasure what you’ve had to say over the years.

I want another baby now; must go convince the husband.

Whooza cutest widdle Beta? Oh, you is! You is!

Charmingly lovely little kid, TP.

How old do you think she’ll have to be before she understands she has, oh, 82,000+ aunts and uncles?

As soon as I get three lines into your posts, my vision starts to get blurry.

Thank you so much for sharing.

5 months? No way, that’s just not possible. think of own kids sigh, okay, yeah, it’s possible.

Blow some giggly bubbles on that baby belly for me, huh?

That was the fastest five months EVAR!

She is adorable. There is just something about smiling babies that really makes the day better.

She’s so beautiful–she’s got your smile! It’s hard to believe she’s already five months old–it may be a cliche, but time really does fly.
Keep those pictures coming!!

Not only is she beautiful, but the poetry of your post is, too. Great stuff. Thanks for helping me start my day right.

Awwww…turns into pile of goo

I couldn’t see the pics at work yesterday and now can. She’s adorable, what else is there to say?