A dangerous drug

I don’t have a sect, I’m non denominational, basically I stick to the Bible itself and I’m trying to obey it, which believe me, its difficult, Jesus himself said to his disciples “It is hard for even the righteous to be saved.”

Maybe I come off as a jerk on here sometimes even though I’m actually quite nice if you get to know me, I don’t want to be your enemy. I’m humble enough to admit I’m still too double minded and at times far from righteous. I have a long way to go!

How many gods did you take a good look at, and how many holy books did you do a complete read through, before you converted to whatever branch of Christianity it is you currently follow?

How about you ask Jesus to prove himself to you? Why don’t you ask him into your heart? What are you afraid of? Oh, and if you did it as a kid, try again, but really mean it! And if you can’t, ask God in the name of Christ to help you mean it and give you the faith to believe. Also, my grandfather used to take me to Catholic church and it was dead, I felt no movement in my heart to do anything. It was different. And I’ve studied the writings of many Christian leaders who are

  1. More scripturally discerned than you or me.

  2. More knowledgeable about religion in general than you or me.

  3. Saved, unless one isn’t a believer than one has the Holy Spirit, I’m not saying I do yet, I’m struggling still, but a true Christian will never lose a debate. Even if you think you have knowledge to back up your view God always knows more because God created everything including you so therefore he knows the truth.

Paul wrote “We become fools to preach to you who are wise.”

Also, give me time to answer all your questions because I have other things to do beside stare at the computer screen and type. I decided to use the PC instead of the PS4 today so I could pay better attention to my typing.

How about actually responding to the questions I asked?
edited to add: On second thought, never mind. This religious conversioning is very off-topic. If you start a thread in Great Debates about it, I’ll join you there.

Kid, Great Debates is the forum for witnessing. Just sayin’

I keep hearing “read the Bible and you’ll convert!” I’ve read the Bible. I’m still happily pagan.

How did we get here from “Don’t drink DXM, it’s a gateway drug”?

Maybe switching from one addiction to another?

You know… I was thinking the same thing. In fact, I’ll post some of what I believe to be biblically sound knowledge there. Hey, sorry if I seem like a jerk. God bless you, more is going on around here than just you. I’ll close with one more statement, no matter how intelligent or knowledgeable a person is or claims to be. no matter how in control they think they are, I believe if one doesn’t recieve God or believe what the bible says, they are caught in one of Satan’s many deceptions. Trust me, you’ll never be smarter than Satan no matter how much that bothers you or whether or not you believe Satan exists at all. God made Satan therefore even Satan, the lifeforce of the Beast and False Profit (Smart enough to convince all the world leaders to give up control over their nations, worshp him, and make war against one another and fall like dominoes when Christ returns. Yahweh, or Yevhah, Eloyihim more properly and Yeshua, and the Holy Spirit, created Satan, and even Satan is like a housefly compared to a man: power wise, intellectually, and in significance altogether, compared to God. Now to the Great Debate forum.

I’ve long hear that that can happen.

:confused::confused::confused::confused: Excuse me?! I don’t normally participate in religious debates on SDMB because they explode too quickly, but that statement is too much of a non sequitur for me to passively ignore. Even if I were to grant that Christianity is the only religion that promotes peace and love (note that I do not grant that), WHY does that imply that it is the only true religion? Why is peace and love a requirement for a true religion?

Um, was this a self-diagnosis??

Who else you gonna trust with your own brain?

Christ, that’s who.

If this is what a 150 IQ gets you, I ain’t buyin.

There is no greater display of hubris than this shit right here: “If something is too complicated for ME to figure out… clearly, the only other explanation is God did it. Because there is nothing that exist in this secular world that I can’t wrap my mind around.”

I’m sure this is the same line of reasoning people use to use to explain why the ground shakes or the thunder roars.

Gimme a damn break.


Hmmm, the compulsive need to respond to any and all expressions of religious belief on the internet…it’s almost like an addiction!

Overreact much? I’m just a little astonished at the abrupt left turn the OP made in the conversation, going from his drug addiction(the actual topic of this thread) to trying to convert us all to his brand of Christianity.

This was a very interesting discussion about drugs in cough medicines and then . . . . WTF!

The topic started out about a drug and is not about you witnessing, basically. If you want to do that, that’s fine, but make a new topic in Great Debates about it, because that is where witnessing threads go.
As for this topic, I’m going to close it since it’s not about what it was. If you want to talk about the original topic again, make another one, but don’t change halfway, out of the blue, into wanting to get God into everyone’s lives. Like I said, that’s for GD.