A great dose of nostalgia for DEC PDP-8 and PDP-11 fans

From the 2021 SDMB Celebrity Death Pool, but from the link above, he bought

a PDP-8 computer for his home in the early 1960s. “Mine was certainly the first in a private house, anywhere,” he claimed. “I personally have had a computer longer than anyone in the world — brilliant!” He used his “home computer” to compose electronic music. In 1968 he was featured at the First London Concert of Electronic Music by British composers, held at Queen Elizabeth Hall. There, he premiered his “Partita for Unattended Computer” — the first performance ever of live unaccompanied computer music. Later that year, he used the PDP-8 for a project where anyone could whistle a tune to the computer, which would then improvise on the tune.

I thought of you guys when I read that.