See I have the best of two worlds in my house.
We had a professional contractor doing handyman work on his own place! That he built himself!
That’s some of the shittiest fix-it work I’ve ever seen.
Every goddamn window was painted shut with the paint of at least five paint jobs. When we went to redo the walls (because the last time the paint/paper was freshened was (I kid you not) 1964 and the reflective jungle-print wallpaper was peeling off in giant strips, we discovered that there were three layers of wallpaper stacked on top of each other and no paint. That’s right, ladies and gentlemen, the first layer of wallpaper was put up directly onto the sheetrock without the unneccessary bother of a layer of primer underneath.
For some reason I don’t fully understand, he’d installed absolutely beautiful oak flooring and then immediately slapped aqua-blue shag carpeting on it - using tack strips and screws at random intervals to hold it down. And by screws I mean he randomly screwed through the carpet into the flooring. The heads were visible if you looked closely (it was shag after all).
Whoever wired the house was obviously a crack monkey, because you cannot run any four appliances at the same time anywhere in the house without blowing a fuse. Hence, if you’re doing the laundry and dishes, you’d better not expect the fridge to be functional. Or the vaccuum. Or the TV. Unless the appliance in question is either the toaster oven or the microwave, then no other appliance is useable. This does not help my housecleaning at all. We’re not going to talk about the placement of outlets. Okay, maybe we are. There are only two outlets in my kitchen - one located in the corner behind my sink, waaaaaay back in the nether regions of dead space far from any counter space and where one cannot plug in anything expected to remain there and just far enough from the regular counter to make it functionally useless for plugging in temporary electrical appliances. The other one is all the way across the kitchen halfway up a wall that has no counters under it. We stuck a table there, but otherwise that outlet would be just hanging out uselessly. For reasons I don’t understand, there are seven outlets in my bedroom, including one in the fucking closet (why, God, why?) but only three in the entire basement (one of which is dedicated to the laundry - but only one in the laundry area, so if you want to iron, you must take it away from the laundry area to do so).
Also, there is a hole in the bathroom floor which is covered by the bathtub. We discovered this when my husband nearly gave me a heart attack by looking up through the holes in the dropped celing tiles in the basement while doing the laundry and thinking “Hmmm what in the hell is that there?”, knocking on it and discovering it was the bathtub where I was having a shower. When the tub makes a huge clanging noise and vibrates while you’re showering, it gets your attention post haste. I don’t know why there’s a freaking hole under our bathtub, but I’ve bathed nervously since then.
None of the windows or doors were sealed outside or inside, so when we went to redo the walls, we discovered that the sheetrock around the windows and doors was generally rotten and/or eroded away to nothing and all the exterior walls were water damaged around any window or door. That was a spackle job from hell, since we a) don’t own the place and b) can’t afford to have all the repairs done anyway. We told the owner (my husband’s mother) who immediately had a hissy-cow of denial and untruthful poor-mouthing of epic proportions, so did the best we could to stabilize the situtation and punted.
We are so not going to discuss the fact that there isn’t enough room in my kitchen (even if I clear every single object off the counters) to roll out a pie crust so I have to do it on the dining room table.