A-list actors in B-roles

How 'bout Time Bandits? According to IMDb, the original screenplay had this comment:

Somehow Connery got hold of the script, liked it, and he wound up playing the role.

You get that feeling too? But, when I watched it again, I was shocked how she’s barely in that movie.

No, you’re not. Hubba hubba.

I haven’t seen Boiler Room, but I think Armageddon and Dogma would be ensemble pieces that wouldn’t count for this thread.

It better, because that was my example! The cast was known to fans of BBC shows on PBS & similar intellectual fare. But Williams was a Star, fairly low billed. He had a small role, but more than a cameo.

Gary Oldman as Sirius Black in the “The Prisoner of Azkaban”.

They should have sued for non support.

Jack Nicholson had a supporting role in Broadcast News. He wasn’t even in the opening credits, if I recall correctly.

Tom Hanks in Radio Flyer?

Actually, I think a B-list character actor could have done “Commissioner Gordon” just as well as Gary Oldman did. This isn’t a knock on Gary Oldman, it’s just that the character-as-written is pretty low-key, and din’t require someone as oviously talented as Oldman playing that role.

And this isn’t a knock on Heath Ledger’s “Joker,” but I wouldn’t have minded seeing Gary Oldman’s take on The Joker, either.

Crap - totally missed that one. I had Gielgud in my mind as Mr. Big.

His bit part role in Eurotrip was hilarious.


Dan Ackroyd played a code breaking technician in Pearl Harbor.