A Perfect Monetary System - Is it possible?

What I said about the vacation time was an example… Surely, I’m not one to decide how this will work out. This would be one of those aspects shown in a business proposal before it being established. If you aren’t satisfied with your vacation leave with one company, then don’t take the job and look for other opportunities.

Seasonal? Valid point. Should one be a seasonal worker, they must qualify for a job that offers seasonal positions. As a seasonal worker your job may be considered 4x more important than a regular job, therefore balancing it out. For instance, someone’s regular job may be a waitress 8 hours per day 5 days per week, but your seasonal job might be an engineer working twice that much.

There is no business owner… If a business is established it is owned and operated by the state as a whole for whichever state(s) it resides in. Should you be creative enough to build a business plan that would be very attractive, maybe you’ll be thrown a treat for such a great idea. Maybe a nice car, without waiting, or maybe a 3 year vacation.

Who would be in charge of the state? Who would be the judge in these courts that put people in prison for refusing to work? Who controls the prisons? What is the check on these people if they abuse their power?

Yes, but who decides what reward you should get? And why can’t you choose your own reward? Suppose you come up with a new idea, and as a reward for the idea you want a Ferrari. You go down to the Ferrari distributor and find there’s a waiting list 10,000,000 long. Then you tell the Ferrari distributor that you just had this great idea, so you should go to the head of the line. Does the Ferrari dealer let you go to the head of the line? Why or why not? How is this decision made?

Under a capitalist system, someone with a good idea can sell it for money, or use the idea in a moneymaking business. They can then take the money to a vast array of businesses offering goods and services of every description. When the person finds a good or service that sounds like a good deal, they can buy it. And the person they bought the good/service from now has the money, which is a record that the first person thought the second person provided a good or service worth whatever the price was. And now the second person can take that money and spend it on whatever goods/services the second person likes. And now the third person has a token that entitles them to goods and services.

The beauty of the capitalist system is that people who provide goods and services that are desireable to other people find themselves with tokens that entitle them to goods and services of equal value. Money is therefore an incredibly powerful mechanism for transmitting information from person to person, even though no one entity in the economy knows much of anything about the economy.

Point is no one is going to do this. Why would they? If you could have anything in the world and all you had to do was serve coffee at Starbucks (being that this is the only thing you qualified for), I’m sure one wouldn’t be complaining. There are always very rare cases though. If you simply can’t deal with working a job that is FIT for you in every possible way and no one can convince you otherwise, then so be it. You’re of no use to others. Why should they have to work while you do nothing? In this world now if you choose not to work or be productive in any way than you will end up homeless too. That’s the choice you have. No work, no play.

And they wouldn’t be chucked out as in, completely disregarded and blocked from the system. They’d first go to a court to discuss their reasoning for not wanting to work. If it’s something that can be fixed, the necessary support would be given (schooling, medicine, etc). If you were found to be mentally impaired, you’d also be given the necessary support. If you were just a butthole you can be with the rest of the buttholes.

25 years or so… I was just giving an example. If your job is considered the utmost importance (an astronaut) you might retire in 5 years. There are too many variables here.

Okay, so I said their may be a limit on your necessities, but this can be changed. If you spent all of your grocery money, but were still hungry, you could go to the court and plead you have an eating disorder or are on a high food intake diet and want a larger allowance. On the other hand, if you were hoping to be able to bring 20 more egg cartons home so you can throw them at your neighbors house, then that probably wouldn’t fly.

There is no government. There is no ruler, but there are rules. The people work together as a whole and run their state. All decisions are made by the people of the state.

I would. I did. I left work and traveled, skied, and just hung out for 4 months about 6 years ago. Why? Because I could. I’d worked hard for 20 years and saved more then enough to live for years without working if I’d wanted to. What I wanted was to spend 4 months without working. Why can’t I have that?

Among other things, everybody is going to spend a lot of time voting, and most of the things they’re voting on, they’ll be ignorant of. I don’t know, for instance, if a new steel mill should be built.

And that’s not how you figure out demand. Demand is a fluid, ever changing thing…it changes based on conditions, it changes based on individuals, it changes based on price. You can’t just say “Well, we’ll take one vote and figure out what demand will be.” You also realize that starting a business involves a lot of sunk costs, right?

Your proposal seems really inefficient.

It seems like a lot of allocation decisions are made by “the court”. The court decides who doesn’t have to work, the court decides who gets products they aren’t otherwise entitled to, the court can place you in a job you don’t otherwise qualify for.

That sounds a lot like a government.

It’s in “How long could the Soviet Union have lasted?” His post is here.

Damn. That thread came up in all my searches, and I’m not really sure why, in looking for discussion on centrally planned economies, I didn’t think to check the thread on the Soviet Union. As relevant as it is, I think I’m going to quote it here:

But the decisions made in the court are by those who are a part of society. A jury. A specific jury, though.

If this case was one of a man who wanted more food because of his eating disorder, the jury would probably consist of people in the field, such a pharmacists, doctors, etc…

If a man killed someone over an iPhone because he didn’t want to wait 2 weeks, then the jury would probably consist of criminologists, psychologists, etc…

But why not simplify things?

In your utopia, everyone is free to simply take what they need from the stores, and in return they are obligated to work at some sort of job.

But what’s wrong with doing away the requirement to work at a job. Instead, why not simply give anyone who produces something of value to humanity a token. And this token could be exchanged for anything else of value. The way to accumulate tokens is by serving your fellow man. And you can choose anything you like out of all the manifold goods and services produced by mankind as long as you produce enough tokens for a fair exchange.

We could call these tokens “money”.

A court is a function of government. That’s what it is. You can’t say it’s magically not government just because the jury is chosen specifically for each case. That just raises the question: chosen by whom? And the answer is: the government.

Look, even if you have the entire voting population deciding each jury member for each case, then you still have a government. It just happens to be a direct democracy that votes on so many issues that no individual voter could possibly become well informed on even the tiniest fraction of them. If you have the voters elect decision makers, then it’s a representative democracy, which is (by the way) still a government. And then you still need people with guns to enforce the rulings of the court. And those people with guns are agents of the executive power of the government, even if you don’t call them police.

The simple fact is that you don’t know how any of this works. That’s okay. We all have to start somewhere. But you don’t have any chance of having a meaningful thread until you educate yourself about:

  1. What a government is and what its functions are.

  2. What communism is, and why your “monetary reform” is in fact the same thing as communism.

  3. How the finiteness of resources undermines your attempts at giving everyone everything they would want.

  4. How money is not just a measure of value, but also a store of value so that people whose work adds more value to the world can take more time off if they so choose.

  5. How markets efficiently determine value in a way that nation-wide votes cannot possibly match (see the link to Sam Stone’s post provided by erislover for a start to that).

You have, literally, years of study to do. The Dope is a good place to fight ignorance, but a few college economics and poly-sci classes might be a better place to start.