A Perfectly Reasonable Amount of Schadenfreude about Things Happening to Trump & His Enablers (Part 1)

For a heel, he’s quite soleful.

That sounds fishy.

He who smelt it, dealt it.

This isn’t the plaice for that kind of carp.

I am going to eschew this discussion.

So much this.
I don’t get how people are constantly trumpeting how much smarter and wilier he is than Trump, which is the most ridiculously low bar since the claim that Baby Duck is not always the worst substitute for Dom Perignon 64.
Absolutely nothing more than a monolithic blockhead, reflexively regurgitating the usual far right talking points (too often with an idiotic “cultural” slant), and for whom I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out that he’s not able to think any faster on his feet than Don.

Let’s ask him to remember person, man, woman camera TV. Then we’ll know

Granted that GOP claims to be the party of small government have always been poorly supported by the facts of what they do when they get power–it’s still the case that they do make those claims, loudly and often. And I believe a fairly high proportion of their voters, pre-Trump anyway, actually did think that government at all levels should “do less.”

Of course in practice this GOP claim has really been about helping giant companies crush all competition (by freeing them from all regulations, while simultaneously regulating the potential rivals out of business) and similarly cynical practices.

100%. The GOP promise has become 'if you resent or dislike some people, we will crush them for you.’ So inspirational!

Hush, puppies.

That joke is laced with sarcasm.

I think this belongs here since Coulter is definitely a drinker of the Trump Kool Aid.

Nikki Haley was born in South Carolina, so “her country” is the US.

Coulter has been an open racist for decades though, so this shouldn’t surprise anyone. But this deeply entrenched racism running through the conservative side is why Haley has no chance. (Also, she’s a woman, double disqualifier.)

Louis Pasteur famously said … “It’s not the microbe. It’s the terrain.”

All my adult life, I’ve vacillated about whether one side – supply or demand – merits more opprobrium in these equations.

You ever watch the sport of curling?

That’s a bit like what the major news outlets do with their evening entertainment lineup and what these shock-pundits do with their published and spoken word.

They tend to have access to a profound amount of (near) real time data that lets them know exactly how the audience is responding to what they’re selling.

This allows them to course correct very quickly – like the sweepers with brooms and brushes in curling – to optimize the message to the audience.

Tucker and Rush and Dear Sweet Ann, and the rest constitute supply. The networks and publishers are simply masterful at matching supply to demand.

The problem – the upstream, fundamental, likely hugely intractable problem with no end of deleterious collateral effects – is demand. IMHO.

We need better people. Yes, we need more “Librul Indoctrination.”

If we could get our arms around teaching Reading, Writing, and 'Rithmetic, we should also require fluency in a second language, Logic, and Statistics.

But we’re generally drifting perilously in the other direction.

I have to hope that demographics really are on our side.

I mean, you may get crushed, too. You may even bear a greater burden than those you dislike, but it’ll be worth it to see them harmed.

The Republican philosophy is to keep people looking down at others so they don’t look up to see who is looking down on them.

That’s not going to be enough in the long run, if those demographics are only based on not being “white.” There is no lack of diversity of opinion in the non-white demographic, diversity that includes ignorance and bigotry, and religious nuttery. We’re still going to need all the liberal education we can put out there if there is going to be any saving of this country from demagoguery and dictatorship.

Dominion, the plaintiff, has filed for a summary judgement against Fox News in its defamation case. Usually the defendant is the party filing a motion of this type.

This article contains a link to the introduction to the brief.


Its not just not being white its also not being young. The boomers are being replaced by Millennials, who are politically active than previous generations of their age, grew up with homosexuality being no big deal, and will feel some of the worst effects of climate change in their lifetimes.

Sweeping really doesn’t alter the course of a stone very much, at least not directly. Mostly it causes a stone to slide farther than an unswept stone. And because a stone curves as it slows down (that’s why it’s called “curling”), sweeping delays the curl, but doesn’t eliminate it.

Well … there goes another potentially beautiful analogy shot to hell :wink:

I’m suprised I’m the first person to post this

Now its not clear who it was who committed the perjury (unfortunately Trump didn’t testify in front of this jury so its definitely not him) but chances are they probably fall under the category of Trump enabler.

Oh, and once again, no fraud found.

This being the SDMB … I have to ask, here, if we aren’t both right:

In the game of curling, sweeping is critical. It’s what changes the path of stone after it’s thrown down the ice. Sweeping works by warming up the ice and reducing friction, which makes the rock curl less and therefore move straighter

Steering to alter a course, or steering to maintain a course, are both a form of course correction, no?