A Perfectly Reasonable Amount of Schadenfreude about Things Happening to Trump & His Enablers (Part 1)

That’s actually Trump behind the desk. I don’t want to know what Miller did with the statue.

When talking about Trump’s Doral golf course:

With $125 million of Deutsche Bank debt coming due in 2023, rumors are circling that the Trump Organization may consider turning the property into a casino.

Ya, that worked out well for him in Atlantic City. Another Casino bankruptcy in the making.

Or he could consider selling it for ten cents on the dollar, or whatever other arrangement the master deal-maker can come up with. Under ethical ownership the golf course could attract desirable clientele and maybe even a PGA tournament. Under the ownership of the orange shit-gibbon it’s basically worthless.


What’s that display of little round objects in front of the statue?

He probably could have brought that over two billion by also forgetting about running for President and letting somebody competent take the job instead.

WAG-Challenge coins.

Or bottle caps.

  1. Desk appears to be a reproduction of his oval office desk
  2. Newspaper is spread out weirdly across his desk with a weird lump under it

That statue shows his horrible slanting posture, too!

I was going to say that they looked like Boy Scout badges or pins, but since Trump was never a Scout, Frat Boy badges was an option.

Challenge coins. The big one on the top row is, dollars to donuts, from his Scottish golf course. There’s a shield-shaped something behind the tankard but I have no idea what it could be.

What is the diamond-shaped plaque on the desk?

I was gonna say pogs.

Okay I’m still gonna say pogs. I love the idea that he’s obsessed with them and wants to show everyone his collection.

No idea, but it starts with “#45”, then comes something that seems to read “Mr. President”. You can also see that it is badly battered at the ridges and that the seams betweent the brown stuff and the wooden base are very badly glued.
Then there are the glasses. You never saw him wearing them, did you? Well, just to say: you do not put glasses face down like this. Never. It scratches the lenses. It is even worse than laying a book open face down after making dog ears on it. A book, yes. Aw, never mind…
I also like the yellow cables from the lamps on the tables in the back, left and right. I can´t make up my mind: are they supposed to look gold plated or did they just yellow with age as they became brittle? Are they just tacky or a fire hazard?

Politico is on the case:

Boy Scout merit badges. Turns out you can just BUY those.

No, you can’t, dammit!

And see:

Newspaper: Before the picture was taken, Trump seems to have been leafing through the Wall Street Journal, a paper whose editorial board has criticized him for promoting false claims on voter fraud. Trump also issued a statement last month blasting the editors, saying: “The Wall Street Journal editorial page continues, knowingly, to fight for globalist policies such as bad trade deals, open borders, and endless wars that favor other countries and sell out our great American workers, and they fight for RINOS that have so badly hurt the Republican Party. That’s where they are and that’s where they will always be. Fortunately, nobody cares much about The Wall Street Journal editorial anymore.”

Well, according to Trump, he is now a nobody then.

trump org hires criminal lawyer as Manhattan prosecutors close in. Time to get the popcorn ready?