A (possibly) fake police office pulls you over. What do you do?

Except he didn’t pull you over, you stopped & he got out to yell at you. - Road Rager.
He didn’t say he was a cop, you asked if he was a cop, & IMHO, he went with it. - Out of control Road Rager.

Most places won’t have plain clothes officers do traffic stops. Plain clothes & unmarked car is almost unheard of to be a legitimate traffic stop. Lock the doors, Crack the window, state you want to drive to a public place &/or want a marked unit. A real cop won’t have issues with that request.

Kind of true… but then when he got out of his car, he Did see me from the side. He didn’t push really all that hard after that.

Except for the “yes I am”. cue empty wallet with a state trooper silkscreen logo prop that he had all set in his back pocket.

The REAL cop verified later: “No lights on the car, even in the grille or on the dash? No verifiable ID or badge… but he had an empty prop-wallet ready to go and he said he was a cop? OK, give me height, weight, complexion, hair style, plate number, etc…”
If it matters, we’ve had a Rash of phony wannabees pretending to be cops on the roads by me. The last incident in the area happened when one pulled over a REAL state trooper on the GSP. The papers say he lived in the same county as me.

Either way, the local PD is aware. If that shit-head has two brain cells to rub together, he’ll sell that car quick & high-tail his skanky “Saturday Night Fever” ass back to Crooklyn.

Volunteer fire/rescue often have a plug-in red light, and being on the way to a call could explain (but not excuse) the tailgating. New ones tend to get too gung-ho.