A Thanksgiving practical joke -- or, "Turducken Cover"

OTOH - real life has stories with credulous participants as well.

This happened just 3 days ago, and I’ll tell it with no exaggeration.

My 17 yo niece was having Thanksgiving with us. She’s an honor student at a “good” suburban high school; the sort of school the real estate agents make a fuss over how wonderful it is.

She likes to cook & generally do the traditional girly-girl stuff. Wants to be a kindergarten teacher. I (male) am the chief cook here, so she’s helping me prep dinner by chopping potatoes & such. I’m giving her little cooking tips throughout, and she’s enjoying learning new stuff.

It’s time for me to prep the gravy, so I pull the giblets out of the fridge. I say “See, these are the turkey livers (we got two big, beautiful hunks), and this is the heart.”

She gets all dubious and says “The heart?”. “Yup”, I says, “When folks say ‘giblets’ this is what they mean. We chop them up, saute in a little butter, then add them to the gravy. Makes it goooood.”

Had I taken a moment to look at her face just then I’d have seen a horrified 5 year-old. But I didn’t.

So I took the heart between finger & thumb & started rhythmically squeezing it while making lub-dub lub-dub lub-dub sounds.

She shrieked, ran from the room, started crying & it took her older brother 30 miutes to get her to calm down enough to stop sobbing.

Up until that moment she didn’t know what giblets were, but “giblet gravy” was good. Now she’s terrified she’s ever eaten such a thing, and wanted to spend a few hours purging to maybe get the remnant’s from last year’s feast out of her. (One I didn’t cook.)

When I made the gravy I even split it into two portions & only added the horrid Giblets-From-Hell© to one half. She was unwilling to have gravy with her dinner “just in case”.
Kids. Not stupid, just ignorant. And a little high-strung in her case.

(And just in case you think I’m a mean shit who’s scarred her for life, I made a showy apology in front of everybody later & she gave me a hug & said it was OK.)

Never a dull moment with teens underfoot.