A "Thigh Gap" for girls & women as an aspirational body shape -

Dare I ask what the Bikini Bridge is?

I’m pretty sure it’s that thing where a well-endowed lady wears a bikini top and the thong connecting the two boob patches doesn’t actually contact the skin at all in that crevice between the boobs.

That one I find actively silly - it makes me feel like their bikini top isn’t fitted correctly.

I could be wrong tho, I’ve never looked up an article or anything.

You need to go lower

Was it Thin Thighs in 30 Days? That book was all the rage in my mid-teens. Luckily I was anorexic, so really right on the cutting-edge of fashion. :dubious:

Yep - I remember that thread. Apparently I didn’t post in it. At one point I was 100 pounds and 5’6" (in other words, underweight and in danger of being diagnosed as anorexic - I wasn’t - I was depressed, broke and didn’t eat) and didn’t have a thigh gap. My hips and thighs aren’t built that way.

I remember thinking that the thoughts of some people in that thread where downright dangerous.

Luckily for humanity, it appears that this one was deliberately started at least partly as a joke. http://www.thegloss.com/2014/01/07/beauty/bikini-bridge-is-the-new-thigh-gap-trend/

Fashion isn’t about pleasing men. If it does, it’s an accident.

The funny thing is it is probably easier and less unhealthy and more achievable than the thigh gap.

I read The Thigh Gap Hack and I was able to get a small thigh gap. If I had wider hips it probably would’ve been bigger, so I disagree with the op although it doesn’t surprise me that there are negative reviews of the book.

There are lots of critics who haven’t read or tried doing anything in the book (which is all healthy and promotes both diet and exercise to get a thigh gap). There are also tons of advocated just read the reviews on the amazon page for the real deal

For those of us who want thigh gaps their opinions don’t matter.

It seems I remember a director, years ago, who, when interviewing dancers, expected them to hold a coin between their legs. No thigh gap wanted there!

As a male, I’m beginning to worry that I haven’t been worrying about my body enough. Are there ‘gaps’ or ‘bridges’ on men that we are being judge on, without even knowing about it?

So the London Underground is really just concerned about womens health when it’s telling us to “Mind The Gap?”

Thigh Gap? I thought that was called Factory Air? In other words, it’s a concept that has been around for awhile, and in fact has already had a slang term applied to it.

Really? We now have Thigh Gap Apologists cruising the internet, leaping to defend the Thigh Gap from its critics?


Also, there’s a Thigh Gap BOOK?

I won’t call very-thin women “abnormal”, except in the statistical sense. Some folks are genetically much thinner than the rest of us. The rest of us cannot “become” that thin; you have to be born to it.

Photos of them from other angles would be awesome!

I’ll see if I can get some next time I have a shoot. The fashionable poses for “couture” photography change with the fashion, for obvious reasons. Part of the vintage pin-up look is recreating the ones that were standard in the 1940s/50s, for example. Every era has at least one standard pose that I personally think looks dippy no matter what angle you snap it from. Currently, the one the blonde in front is demonstrating is inexplicably popular. I would assume it was invented as a joke and somehow escaped into the wild, but I know better than to assume that no photographer would ever be that weird. :smiley:

As Lasciel said, it’s not always trickery; some people are just built that way. You need not just to have wide hips, but to have comparatively wide hips on an otherwise gracile frame, a fairly long lower torso, and a certain shape to the distribution of fat and muscle on your legs. My hips are quite wide in relation to my midsection and my knees, but I’d never have a gap between my thighs even if I starved myself – I’m short and built largely along the lines of Mae West, which is why I work glamour instead of high-fashion runway.

In the meantime, there’s an artist named Gracie Hagen who did a series called “Illusions of the Body” (linked to the front page here, as the exhibit is NSFW for artistic nudity; it’s easy to find in her Photography galleries) that illustrates what a radical difference posture and lighting can make in defining the shape of a 3D figure in a 2D photo.

Do girls with a thigh gap use a peg to keep “it” closed so “it” doesn’t dry out ?