A thread for/about those who are sheltering completely alone, i.e. no other human beings with you

I also live alone, no pets. I test robots for a living. My company has online simulators I can use from home, but I prefer to use the actual hardware at the office. I’m managing, but not enjoying the isolation. I sewed a face mask from a pattern I found online. It turned out okay, but I might make another.

When this whole thing started, my company already had several remote workers, so we had some experience with it. Last week, I started using a hand puppet in our video conferences. He’s a crocodile; I call him Wynyard. On Friday, I put a Hawaiian shirt on him.

OP here. I started this thread two weeks ago tomorrow, but I’ve been here at home (and nowhere else) for about five weeks now. I haven’t been in the presence of another human being for all that time. I’ve had three grocery deliveries, which the people left on the porch and I waited a few minutes to go out and pick up. I’ve had a couple of neighbors drop things off following the same procedure.

*Disclaimer: I realize that none of the following is unique to me, particularly WRT others posting in this thread. Not claiming to be special or uniquely cursed. Just want to spout off a bit. Feel free to join me. *

My social life was meager before all of this happened, but now: nothing. I have about three people I check in with, either phoning or texting.

I don’t mind not **having **to go anywhere, but not being **able **to go anywhere is wearing. I don’t mind living alone or being alone most of the time… or even the great majority of the time. But I envy people who have people who want to be with them and miss them. Who are longing for the day when they can be together again, hug, kiss (if appropriate), and do more (if appropriate). On the one hand, I’m glad not to be stuck in my small house with several children/teens/young adults, a spouse/partner, possibly some in-laws, or others who will (no doubt, as was usually my lot in life) expect me to devote myself to making sure they are okay/amused/fed. And yet, I miss being needed and wanted. And missed. And frankly, loved a lot. I fully realize that this is a paradox and I bounce back and forth between these two positions endlessly, exhausting myself in the process.

Thank God I am okay financially (not wealthy or even “well off,” but okay) and don’t have to work. That is due to no merit or diligence on my part but due entirely to my late husband, God bless him.

There’s another thread in the QZ forum that asks if you are worried about the COVID thing. I’m really not worried about myself (except for how I’m feeling emotionally), as my situation is enviable to others, I’m sure, and I could go on like this indefinitely, not seeing anyone, and getting grocery deliveries. It is wearing me down, and (I believe) we’re not even at the halfway point in this crisis. But I do worry about kids who are not going to school. About people who are not working and are losing income, plus losing a sense of purpose and accomplishment. I hate that sports and entertainment events hae been shut down. That people can’t gather in whatever groups they found meaningful-- church, temple, mosque, AA groups, book clubs, sewing circles. A distant relative whose partner committed suicide three years ago relied on his suicide support group as a lifeline-- they’re not meeting for the duration. Routine medical/dental appointments. I’m having a Zoom appt with my oncologist on Tuesday. I worry about stupid people disregarding safety measures and declaring the crisis over and going on to get sick or infect others (possibly me!). This crisis has brought out the good in people, but it has really brought out the STUPID!

I am plunged into hopelessness when I see the ripples of this shutdown getting bigger, crashing through, and tearing down the structures of our world. I read things every day that reduce me to impotent tears in addition to the small tears I shed for myself. I can’t mention the political situation in this forum, but the sense of having no competent leadership at the helm of our Titanic, compounds my anxiety. Again, less for me personally (except for my personal loneliness), than for all our fellow citizens, their loved ones, children, parents, even though I have none of those.

Scraping around for something to be optimistic about. Not having any luck today. Maybe tomorrow…


I feel grateful to be living alone. This is my first spring/summer in my new home, so I am enjoying having the time and space to put my own mark on this place. I work in my garden every day and spend every night on the screen porch enjoying the night sounds. I don’t feel lonely at all. I am working about 50 hurs a week, with many zoom meetings. My social life has also moved to zoom, with a weekly trivia game and 2-3 regular happy hours. I talk to my mom, simblings and daughter more than usual

I walk my neighborhood very day and am actually getting to know more people now (from a distance!) I also hike every weekend with a friend in the woods locally.

I am actually enjoying my new routine, and feel safe and optimistic. I could go another few months like this and I believe I will come out with a new perspective on a lot of things.

Unfortunately, this is a proper IV, not just a shot. A couple friends have been through the same, and my doctor confirmed it. While I am stressed out thinking about it (and the subsequent cost), she did give me a single dose of lorazepam to take a half hour before the appointment. I’m REALLY hope it helps me stay calm and not suffer the crap I go through every time blood is taken.

Right now I’m looking forward to grabbing a free birthday coffee I get from Scooter’s after the appointment.

I’ve been working from home 4 days a week for a year or so, so when the company had all office employees move to WFH at the end of February, it was no big deal. I have my farm with my dogs and horses and I go into town about once a week for groceries.

I’m beginning to miss being able to do the things I want - my sister asked on Friday what my plans for the weekend were and I joked, “Oh, go out to lunch and then the movies. Maybe do some shopping and go to Mass.” It’s been a long time since I’ve done any of that. My riding lessons are not only cancelled for the duration, the barn owner has decided only to give lessons to people who board at the barn, so now I’ll have to find a new lesson program when things are safe to open back up.

And because things are closed down, we might not have a funeral for my 2-yr old great nephew who drowned two weeks ago. And I can’t be there to support my sister, who has started cancer treatment and is looking at an amputation of her leg.


My life is sad enough by most peoples standards that this really isn’t that much of a difference.
I have lived alone, no pets for 18 years now. About half that time working from home. I have actually gone up to two weeks before without talking to anyone, live or on the phone, just because it happened that way. Most of my social life is at the bar, which is closed of course, but sometimes I don’t go, in normal conditions, for a month or more for one reason or another. The house on one side is empty, has been for 2 years, the house on the other has a guy who works night shift, and is the back of my house with no windows, so I usually on see him once a month or so, when we both happen to be in the yard.

A bright spot. After being only able to play cards with myself and go on straight dope board, my friend came in her car and brought me a lot of toilet paper, tissues and a variety puzzle book. That. It’s keeping me OK til my hopefully freedom day of May 1.

I’ve done crossword puzzles for years, and have many collections of New York Times Sunday puzzles, not all of which are complete. So, I’m working on completing them. They’re helping pass the time in a harmless, but fun, way.

What ratchets up the pain is that even the solitary activities that I used to enjoy, like going to the library or the gym, are gone, and they ain’t coming back any time soon.

What happens May 1?

Ohio’s stay home order expires, things start opening.

How much outside activity do you plan to engage in?

Outside or near people? I love being where people are. I will mask and glove up

I’m retired and live alone (no pets.)

I have Asperger’s Syndrome, so social isolation affects me much less than other folk.

My main problem was that I don’t drive, so groceries were a worry. I normally get them delivered, but there are no free slots for weeks.
Fortunately a few local friends set up a rota to do my shopping :cool: (they will all get wine or similar as a ‘thank-you’ :slight_smile: )

I get dressed (most days - I allow myself one day a week in my pyjamas :wink: ), have a walk round my back garden (it’s eerie, because there’s no noise from lawnmowers, dogs or even gardeners), check my e-mail, play computer games*, play postal games, read and order TV series + films from Amazon.

I’ve continued my bridge teaching by going online (strange, but satisfying) and my role-playing by using Skype.

Sleep is fine, fortunately and I have no worries about health (because we have Universal Health Care here in the UK.)

My investments have dropped 20% in value due to the crisis (but they will recover over time) and I had to postpone my trip to Las Vegas :frowning: (as my friends there tell me it’s a ghost town.) Fortunately the travel company has reimbursed me in full.

*I’ve reached maximum level in Lord of the Rings Online. :smiley:

The hardest thing about this lockdown is knowing that the US and the UK both have in charge (spoilered as it’s political) lying, narcissistic, incompetent, greedy buffoons. :smack:

That puzzles me. I’d think that people who have lawn and/or garden space and/or dogs would be spending more time out doing those things, not less.

When I retired about 3 months ago, I thought it would be great not to have to deal with people all.the.time. And I didn’t really get a chance to adjust to that scenario before the lockdown. I’ve done pretty well so far alone. But last night as I was preparing for bed, I suddenly was just overwhelmed with sadness. I miss people. I miss hugs. I even miss small talk. I’ve been dreaming about being at work every night for a couple weeks now. I think my brain is confused by this solitude and is trying to compensate in my dreams. It’s very strange.

I usually talk on the phone to someone every day but it’s just not the same as face to face contact. And I don’t see that happening any time soon. I’m kind of concerned about the long term affects of being so completely alone. I’ve talked to some friends about possibly getting together in someone’s yard, socially distant of course, just so we can see each other after the “stay at home” guidelines loosen up.

I’ve been completely on my own since March 13. I am working, and have a fair number of meetings on videoconference. Usually at least an hour a day. And friends are constantly calling and texting. I’m coping OK so far. Spending a lot of money on books, iPhone apps, and food delivery to give myself things to look forward to.

I don’t know what I’d do if I got sick. I’m stockpiled for 2-3 weeks. I have Gatorade, ibuprofen, a thermometer, and a pulse oximeter. My parents are local and would want to help but they’re obviously older and higher-risk so I don’t think I’d do that. I’m 3 minutes walk from an urgent care place. Probably I’d try to just ride it out unless I started going hypoxic, and then I’d probably just rely on 911.

It’s been really great. I lived from takeout to takeout, and this quarantine has made me realize that cooking is cheaper and much healthier. Besides it’s more autonomous, and I can make food the way I really want to. Living alone also means I don’t have to share my food with overly critical people. Don’t get me wrong, I would share food with the needy, just not with a finicky person. I mean I would still share, but I’d find it unpleasant to hear their comments.

I have also been doing seven variations of the push up, three variations of the crucnhes to be in shape. I’m blessed with a 10-meter-long hallway, which I use for shuttle runs. So being physical has not been a problem at all.

I love working from home; it’s beautiful. Like many of you have said, it’s so easy to surround yourself with positive things. The hassle of the commute is also gone.

It feels like I’m on a vacation really. Terribly thankful and lucky to be privileged enough to lead this safe life even now.

I play music out loud and hum or sing along as I work. I’ve made it a point to give my ears a break from headphones/earphones. My hair is growing, which I don’t mind, but I cannot stand facial hair on me. I give myself a clean shave every four days, and i’m good! :slight_smile:

Stay safe, guys! Great thread. Power to the Singles. Lol

A very uplifting post. I woke up cranky at 4 am this morning, so thanks! :slight_smile:

I worked from home two out of 4 1/2 days before this. Early in March I told my manager I was going to be wanting to work from home full-time soon, because of the virus. She was still thinking she was going to hop on a place to Iceland the following weekend. She’s pretty oblivious when it comes to current events. March 11 was my last day in the office. I have an “office” with a window now! On March 16, the company I work for went from about 30% working from home to 95% working from home. I live alone, no pets. I might like to get a dog but I’ve never had a dog before and I’m not ready to commit. Dogs are kinda needy. I don’t want to deal with a litter box in my tiny house so no cats.

I pick up groceries on a drive-by every week or two. I went into the grocery store early on a Sunday morning last month to buy liquor, which can’t be picked up or delivered. Has to be a face-to-face sale. I went to the gas/convenience store at 3:30 a.m. earlier this month to get cigs, which also has to be a face-to-face transaction here. I had to go to the clinic two weeks ago for a urinalysis for a UTI. I have to go again Friday for some labs I couldn’t do while I was there before because I hadn’t been fasting. Other than running into my neighbor outside a few times and chatting at a distance, that’s the extent of my face-to-face contact since March 11.

I don’t go to movies or eat at restaurants, or go out anyway, except for a few trips to NYC every year. That’s when I get my socialization in. I cancelled my April trip, of course, and I fully expect to cancel my November trip. I won’t be planning my August trip. I keep in touch with my family and friends via e-mail, Facebook, or IM. I have no problem doing this until there’s a vaccine or something else kills me first. No big deal. I won’t go back to the office no matter what and my company and manager are going to be fine with it. I feel bad for all the people being forced to work in people-facing jobs but I’m also a very, very tiny bit envious of people that aren’t working since, other than vacation time, I’ve only ever had three straight months off since I was 17. I know how lucky I am to still be employed and know that, no matter what, I’ll continue to be. Unless company policy changes, I have five years and three months until I can retire and get the excellent health insurance deal for retirees my company offers. I may opt to cut my hours between now and then.

The only thing I can think of that I’ll really miss (other than my NYC trips) is the farmers market on Saturday mornings. With a little extra effort I’ll still be able to get my produce and stuff (I follow my vendors on Facebook) but it’s a large market so I expect it to be cancelled until next summer.