A thread for all things Cephalopod

And by the way, off topic, but since you’re here and this is the Pit: You’re a fucking nitwit, dumbass too, who I strongly think is a troll. Either troll or dumbass, one or the other. You make this message board dumber with every post you make, in any thread, moron.

Now that I have gotten that off my chest, I’ll take my leave of this thread now. :slight_smile:

He gets upset when people use rude words, but is fine with publicly shaming sexually abused little girls. He has an unusual definition of civility.

Again, anyone can make a claim. There is nothing sacred about one particular type of accusation. Perhaps she has perfectly valid reasons for waiting. Perhaps she doesn’t. But since you apparently care about virtue signalling and not virtue the point eludes you.

Publicly shaming? Where? And how? And it’s alleged 14-year old sex abuse victim.

Here’s the deal. If you want to deal with perverts go to the police.

No. This is my Pit thread. And calling people brat is not nice. But it’s far more civil then what follows. It made me say “Oh my!”

A threat from a mod!?! :eek::eek::eek:

A matter of time for what, my autistic “friend?” And do you kiss your mother with that potty mouth? And what’s up with the random …s? Is there a secret Morse code message you’re trying to send?

Do any of you people get out of the basement? Do any of you people have kids or spouses? Wait til you or someone you know gets accused of something. I can guarantee you that you’ll wish that the people who hear that accusation don’t immediately assume the worst about you.

Here, dumbass.

Oh. I stand corrected. Those 8 unique views are going to be so hard to recover from. You know when 2018 and 2020 roll around and the mud is being slung all over the place I wonder how unquestioning the hive mind will be.

Disappointed that your attacks on a 14 year old sexual molestation victim didn’t reach a larger audience?

Have you ever tried just not being a shitty person?

Have you ever tried reading for comprehension and not posting merely to appeal to the emotions of your fellow in crowd? If you are ever accused of a crime you know you’d much prefer a jury of octopuses than a jury of your emotional peers.

Oh, I completely agree. I’d pretend to be a Republican and you’d ignore any evidence of my guilt, attack my victim as a liar, and lecture the smarter jurors on their incivility for pointing out your behavior. Shit, with you on the jury I could probably get away with raping a 14 year old girl.

No. What you would get is someone who would listen to the evidence then make a judgement accordingly. Not an overly emotional potty mouth that lets biases overrule logic and facts.


No, I’d get someone who wasn’t smart enough to recognize his own biases. Like the one where he’d attack a 14 year old sexual abuse victim if she had the temerity to accuse a Republican of molesting her.

Oh, and more lectures on civility. Between the lectures and the attacking 14 year old sexual abuse survivors, where do you find the time?

Jesus, I’m not thrilled that octopus questioned the account of the victim in the way he did, but there are people on this board who genuinely think women who are actually raped have no right to tell anyone until there’s a conviction. There are actual rapists on this board, at least one of whom admitted it anonymously. I’ve seen men say if a woman consents to oral sex and gets anally raped, she’s partly responsible, and another man chimed in that women are the gatekeepers of their ultra sacred pussy just to hurt and manipulate men. That’s leaving aside the more mundane scumbags who make life miserable for women posters in small ways every day. Octopus is small potatoes by comparison and I don’t think he deserves this grotesque characterization of shaming a child victim of rape because he asked why she didn’t come forward sooner. My response was trying to take the opportunity of that criticism to talk about a systemic problem that gets in my nerves here. He’s really not the problem. I’m not just saying that because he’s a cephalopod. I admit that fact biases me a little, but I just don’t see him as a misogynistic douchebag.

There are conservative partisan hacks on this board who love to provoke, and there are conservatives who disagree with liberals in perhaps frustrating ways, but I see them conflated all the time here. I’ve gone on record to register my disappointment with his debate style, but comparing him to a fucking delusional idiot like Okra? Really? I wouldn’t even compare Hurricane Ditka to Okra. I like HD just fine. I wish sometimes on this board there were more tolerance for, you know, dissent. What exactly do you think is the upshot to calling every conservative a Nazi or child rape apologist?

Hell, the only reason I spoke to him directly is because I knew he’d hear me out. And he did.

You truly are dense. Sad!

Just because someone pits you, you don’t get to control what people say in your thread. You’ve got it ass-backwards.

Brat. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.

And I thought my sentence structure needed improvement.:eek:

And you’re still too fucking long-winded.

At best that’s the second worst thing about octoputz. The worst I can think of is that he’s a GOP partisan hack and apologist at all times and in every way.

Plus, he smells.

I don’t see him as a misogynistic douchebag either, but his just asking questions shtick strikes me as well in line with the broader culture that does not respect victims who choose to speak about what happened to them. And thus all worth criticizing.

This is getting sad. Virtue signaling? I suppose I’m a SJW too. After Moore’s response of “not generally, no”, are you honestly still skeptical?

Maybe I’m not “virtue signaling”, and maybe publicly questioning the motives and honesty of women who come forward, with absolutely no evidence they aren’t being honest does no good for anyone, and really might make it just a tiny bit harder for victims to come forward.

My opinion of you as a poster is less than before. I thought maybe you were capable of taking criticism on board, but apparently not. Apparently my motives are suspect, not just these victims, just because I criticized you.

Carry on then, and best wishes to you. If someone close to you confides in you that they were sexually mistreated one day, maybe there’s a chance some of this conversation might click in your head and you won’t question their account or motives. Hopefully.