A war that was started by journalists?

I read about it in a book I have at home called “Rumor!” but I was always suspicious about the various stories told in that book. Glad to know (according to the link below) that while the hoax really happened, it didn’t lead to war half a world away.

I mentioned this thread to a Latin American friend of mine a former Salvadoran, and he suggested the “Soccer War” of 1969 between El Salvador and Hondurus.

He said the jingoism of the press really got the situation going, then he said, “but you’ve got to remember both sides had the press controlled by their governments.”

So I guess this could sort of qualify even though it is (a.) hard to call something so brief a war and (b.) hard to blame it on a press controlled by the government.

Cal. I think that’s(Boxer Rebellion) the one my friend is remembering. Glad to know the real story.

Thanks to all the others who added some factual info. Learning more every day.