Aceplace57, what the fuck is wrong with you?

I did think after my OP post, “oh crap what if they do something terrible while on the run?” It’s out of my hands. I hope they are caught quickly

I got a little too excited. Prison breaks from maximum security facilities are fascinating to me because they are so rare in modern times. The public feels the same way. Mythbusters even restaged the Alcatraz breakout to see if it was possible for the men to survive. This is fascinating material to many people.

I thought by clearly stating they are convicted murderers and expressing concern for public safety that people could focus on just the prison break. How much planning went into it and how rarely this happens. Hunting down the escaped men is a given. They got a six to seven hour head start. There are literally thousands and thousands of police on high alert and ready to get them. Very few escapees in modern times remain at large for long.

It just occurred to me the last criminals that got notoriety and fame were Bonnie & Clyde, Ma Barker’s gang etc. (both died in a hail of police gunfire) Maybe todays world will never create myths about their criminals.

Stupidity and opposable thumbs are a dangerous combination.

“I don’t admire them as people! I admire them as people who broke out of prison!! There’s a difference!!! I hate them for the crimes they’ve committed, but I’d suck them off right now to show my appreciation for their brilliance in pulling off this caper! DON’T YOU PEOPLE UNDERSTAND??!!?”

That’s a hell of a way to go.

Yes your honor, I really didn’t mean what I said, you just misunderstood it. I was going to change it but by then the paint had dried and, well…

Nope, You didn’t just say “I hope they’re caught quickly, but what a great prison break they did” You said specifically “you were rooting for them”.

Rooting for them to do what? Stay on the lam?

It wasn’t in your OP, but it was worse- it was after you had time to reflect and look at the responses. You were rooting for them.

Are you posting from 1942 or something? John Gotti, Charlie Bronson, Bernie Madoff, Frank Abignale and the Pink Panthers are all rather famous. And that’s just people who made a living as criminals.

Andy Dufrense was innocent. Hasn’t he been through enough? Let the man be.

That would explain a lot.

Isn’t it bizarre that he found a few St Louis Rams players running onto the field with their hands up (during the Ferguson riots) to be a far, far more concerning thing than this prison escape?

When the Rams thing happened, it was all, OMG! There could have been a riot in the stadium! Punish these players! Fine them! Suspend them! They’re making things worse! We can’t disrespect the police with a non-violent protest like these, from these MONSTERS!!!

With the prison break, it’s like, Hey, I’m not saying these are good guys… but HOW COOL WAS THAT!!!

I don’t imagine Acey would be rooting for these guys so hard if they weren’t white.

Exactly. He admires white murderers but condemns black protesters.

Makes me wonder what acey would think if it came down to a shootout between his hero escapees and his hero cops.

But he specifically said the convicts were sticking it to THE MAN. He even provided a link to Wikipedia to explain to people who weren’t familiar with who THE MAN was. THE MAN in this case is:

Yeah! Those dudes got free from the people we as a society have put in charge of keeping our convicted criminals in prison!

Those football players, they were uh…well they were standing up for some dead black people who got dead by the people we as a society have put in charge of keeping our streets safe (not by shooting random black people).


In Germany and Austria escaping from prison is not illegal in itself, because it is human nature to want to be free. Laws that you break during your escape (including damaging or stealing state property) are still punishable.

Speaking of Germany and Austria, you know who else you can’t help but admire?


This is contemptible. The fact that you would express such an outrageous sentiment tells me all I need to know about you.

The Wardens and officers I know (and I know plenty) work hard as hell to make prisons secure, which means both safe for inmates and safe for staff. To make such a blanket condemnation, stating that their job is to make a prisoner’s life hell is vile in the extreme. They’re not all perfect and there are some bad eggs, but the vast majority are professional in their commitment , to keep prisons a safe place where convicted felons are sent as punishment, but not to be punished.

But, but . . . Bonnie & Clyde!

Richard et Matt…