Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D S03E02: Purpose of the Machine

And the voice of Mr. Ping in everything associated with Kung Fu Panda.

The correct response was “Shut up muldoonthief! You are not put upon this world to get it.”

Now this really pisses me off to no end!

He can reprise this role now with no make up.

I was really hoping his name would be James Woo.

And then they’d cast a young Asian actor to play rookie SSR agent Jimmy Woo on Agent Carter.

The Skrull was waiting patiently under the sand for the monolith to deliver another victim so it could dig itself out, kill the hapless visitor and take her form…

Classic skrullduggery.

Did they use carbon dating on sand? Sand from another planet?

I think I’d rather they used meaningless technobabble than misapply real science. But maybe they used their whole technobabble budget talking about how the portal worked.

Yes, they did use ‘carbon dating’ on sand (on a foreign planet with a different ecosystem, carbon content, etc.). That hurt. But these moments I just shout for my kids, “comic book science!”

I cringed a little at that, too. Carbon-dating in itself is only good for ~50-60,000 years, other radio-isotopes are used for longer periods, and of course if the environment is utterly alien, there’s no baseline to which a sample can be compared.

The worst example, as I recall, was in Timecop when someone carbon-dated some gold bullion.

Better to have just said they found some minerals in the sand that never occur naturally on Earth.

Well, as of now it looks like it is Jemma, rather than a space phantom. I suppose she has an appropriate amount of PTSD for having lived on the local flora of a distant planet for months.

Didn’t get a chance to post to this Thread when it was current, but since it was active as recently as yesterday …

My favorite little touch from this episode:
Ward returns once the kid has beaten the Hydra tormentor, the kid has passed “initiation” as it were. Ward has brought tacos. He even says in response to the kid’s anger, “I brought tacos.”

When Garrett returned to retrieve Ward from the woods, Ward having passed the initiation that Garrett had set for him, Garrett brought tacos. In response to Ward’s anger, he says “I brought tacos.”

Ward uses the same inflection delivering the line “I brought tacos” as Garrett did. The graphic on the take-out bag even matches, shows that it’s the same taco place that Garrett went to (this detail, I thought, was overkill). But with that one little detail they’ve set up a parallel between the Ward/StruckerKid relationship and the Garrett/Ward relationship. I liked that.

I missed that callback. Thanks for posting it!

Me, too. Cool.