Airbus A380 knocks regional jet around like a toy

No live-as-it-happens vid, but a few months from the OP incident here’s yet another Delta Connection RJ rammed from behind by a heavy’s wing, this time at Logan.

Notice in the shots of the smaller plane, that thing protruding to the furthest back is the vertical winglet from the end of the 767’s wing, that got embedded in the RJ’s stabilizer which is itself twisted something like 120 degrees around.

Yeah, too much of this sucks. A few years back I had to take an extra trip and called my dentist to reschedule an appointment. “This must be Mr. Napier”, she said. Then I get on the plane and realized I knew three of the flight attendants. Too much, too much.

Magical my arse.

My wife an daughter were held on the tarmac in Tianjin China after being diverted from Beijing due to weather. For 13 hours, after 16 hours in the air. They ran out of food early on and you can imagine the state of the bathrooms. The passengers got a little restless. At some point a stairway was driven up to the plane and the door opened. The passengers were expecting that they were at least going to get some food brought onto the plane. Instead four public security bureau officers boarded the plane, guns drawn and told everyone to quiet down. Then they left and took the stairwell out. I guess the cabin crew were getting nervous about the restless passengers.