Airline Food -- what's your worst meal?

Me, too. Surprisingly enough, mine was on a Swiss Air from Montreal to Munich. I’ve found that “vegetarian” somehow translates to “vegan” with airlines. I, and the other veggie in my group, got congealed rice with over-steamed vegetables, and a little roll. The bread was great, however. But it was a 13 hour flight, and that was our dinner. Three or four pieces of rubbery carrots over a large gooey lump of starch. Feh. I had never missed protien more in my life.

This is easy - and I even saved the Menu!

LOT flight from Warsaw to Madrid - “Business Class” :rolleyes: which was somewhat worse than standard US coach class, but at 10 times the price.

The menu:

Kuchina Kresowa (Eastern Borderland “Cuisine”)

Sniadanie - Przystawka (Breakfast - “Appetizer” (shudder) )

Schab w osypce ziolowej i ser ,Sokol’’ (Herb-coated Goddess-I-hope-it’s-really-pork and ,Sokol’’ cheese - truly hideous)

Danie gorace (Main course)

Zapiekane babeczki warzywne (Vegetable buns. Yes, that’s right. Their stench made me honestly ill.)

Deser (Dessert)

Swieze owoce (Fresh fruit - 6 months ago)
Miod lub dzem (Honey or Jam - well, they got this right)
Czekoladka (Chocolatesque substance)

Herbata lub kawa (Tea or coffee-flavored petroleum distillate)