"All your base are belong to us". Why now?

Here’s an interesting take on the whole thing. Check out the link.

I have a question: Is it possible to see the “All Your Bases” sequence running Zero Wing under MAME? I loaded it up a couple times, and never saw it. When does it take place? It doesn’t seem to be in the “demo” mode before credits are added, like I expected.

I was walking to humanities class, and saw a computer printout sign that said: drumroll All you base are belonging to us. I burst out laughing. Got many strange looks. Felt like I was in on the biggest inside joke in history. :slight_smile:

According to the FAQ (which was linked to somewhere earlier in this thread) the funny “Engrish” translation was exclusive to the Sega MegaDrive/Genesis version of the game - the real arcade game (the MAME version) had a higher-quality, unamusing introduction. You’d have to get yourself a Genesis emulator and the Genesis Zero Wing ROM to see the funny one.

Thanks KeithT! This exactly what I was interested in.

There’s a thread over at somethingawful.com (maybe the 1st, definitely at least 2nd site to jump on the bandwagon) about how AYBABTU is already passé (though it has made some people on mp3.com a lot of money) and what the current weird catchphrases should be. Since AYBABTU we have already gone through ‘Why you throw chip?’, ‘P-due’, ‘You’re the man now, dog!’, ‘But did you get head?’, and many others.

BTW, the phrase is really escaping into the ‘real world’. It’s been seen spray painted across the country, from colleges in the U.S. to bridges in Australia. Somebody calling in to Loveline complained that her boyfriend made her shout ‘All Your Base Are Belong To Us’ during sex.

I can’t believe no one posted this site yet. http://www.planetstarseige.com/allyourbase/index.html
This is the ultimate “all your base” site. They have 2 versions of the video, and lots of still photos for viewing, including all the ones in the vids and a bunch more. Oh yeah, they have tshirts and the like as well…

In A.D. 2101
War was beginning.
Captain: What happen ?
Mechanic: Somebody set up us the bomb.
Operator: We get signal.
Captain: What !
Operator: Main screen turn on.
Captain: It’s You !!
Cats: How are you gentlemen !!
Cats: All your base are belong to us.
Cats: You are on the way to destruction.
Captain: What you say !!
Cats: You have no chance to survive make your time.
Cats: HA HA HA HA …
Captain: Take off every ‘zig’ !!
Captain: You know what you doing.
Captain: Move ‘zig’.
Captain: For great justice.


Thank Cecil. All your thread are closed to me.