Almost Human - Who's Watching? [Open spoilers]

[checks IMDB…]
DEWEY CROW from Justified! I knew I’d seen “Bad Guy of the Future Week” before!

Great episode. Quickly becoming a favorite of mine.

I found this episode a bit boring, honestly, but I’ll definitely keep on watching. It has real potential. There are bits of verisimilitude that really work, like the lavender vs. fuschia argument.

i didnt think i would like this show but its growing on me. :slight_smile:

I am wondering if it is less of it being an advantage and more of at some point you cross the line from ‘robot’ to ‘cyborg’.

Think about it from a law enforcement standpoint - if 'bots have human dna, you can use them for reasonable doubt or for framing.

I think in the sexbots bit - it was so they had human skin, and also the method of getting said skin clearly left the donor, well, dead.

Nice Die Hard vibe from the last episode, without being too much of a ripoff. But the show’s just seeming too episodic, none of the stuff that seemed like they would be plot points for an arc in the first ep seem to have been addressed since that ep.

The olive oil thing was a nice touch when he went to put it on, but of course they couldn’t just leave it at that and had to hammer in later that it was something DRN had told him about previously.

I am loving the chemistry between Eomer and the robot guy.

And holy shit, Karl Urban quoted Han Solo? How can you not love this show?

“It was a boring conversation anyway.”

I caught that too. :slight_smile:

I liked the episode a lot in some ways, less in others. I think I’m just a little burned out on police shows, but I enjoyed the interaction of the characters.

I had to stop the recording and think for a minute where I knew that from. :slight_smile:

I want to find out about Dorian’s life. I hadn’t thought about it until he was ragging on John for being late picking him up for work. Picking him up from where? Does he have a home? He doesn’t eat. Does he “sleep”?

I assumed John was late getting to the police building to undock Dorian from his charging station or something.

Heh, I refer to him as JC. Julius Caesar, not the other JC.

Best bit in the entire episode! :smiley:

I just want to say that this show has been a total surprise. My wife and I love it.

I’m officially at the point where I will be disappointed if it gets canceled.

I’m actually enjoying this show as well. I was worried we’d have nothing but a police procedural with robots and they’ve been avoiding that cliche.

If I have any complaint, it’s that our main character has gone from “throw 'em out on the highway” to “caring and respectful” regarding the robots in a matter of days. It’s a shift that obviously needed to happen, but it seems too fast to be genuine based on the events we’ve seen in the show.

To be fair - he’s only turned around on this particular model - he has yet to have time with the ‘mx’ model to show any change.

And nor will he, I’d expect. His problem with the MXs is still very much a real one: they have no humanity. They are literally appliances with no free will who stand around blankly until ordered to perform an action, and cannot act spontaneously. Dorian is distinctly different. As shown in the last episode, it’s not just that he is a better imitation of humanity, he is literally sentient. He is aware of his own mortality, which is one of our defining features.

Wife & I are engying it so far.

Prediction for the show: will do well enough to get picked up for another season, Urban will go back to doing movies and be replaced by a shallow copy. It will then limp along until cancelled before Season 3 gets greenlit.

Damnit Chewie, I’m a police officer, not a doctor!

Considering he would make an excellent young Han Solo should they ever needed to cast one, this was especially funny.

This episode was another winner. I am officially a fan of this show.

What, all their fancy-schmancy, 21st century, 20 years post-cloning technology medicine and they can’t fix a simple cut with some kind of spray-on goop? Lame.