Alphabetizing - Personal Preference

I’m assuming this means it’s a list intended for your own use rather than use by other people. So you can use eccentric rules secure in the knowledge they won’t confuse others.

I was looking for a book by Marion Zimmer Bradley in a book store before Christmas. I searched for an hour before I realized that B was even an option.

In my defense SOME of her books were under Z just not this one. Stupid inconsistency!
I ignore The, A and An when sorting, Personal names are LN, FN, band names that include personal names ignore the fact that they are personal names and are filed as they are known.

I’d also add that for me, if I had albums by (making up names, obviously) “The Daisuke Kasparek Old Man Jug Band”, they’d be organized under D. But if Daisuke Kasparek released some solo albums, they’d be organized under K.

This makes sense, but you have to live with the fact that the Alan Parsons Project albums get filed far from the Alan Parsons albums.

How would you handle the Alice Cooper catalog? File it under A up to 1974 and under C from 1975 on?