Alton Brown....mmmm

Comes on 6PM CST on Food Network, Direct TV Ch 231, and again at (PM (I think, I hardly ever catch to later episode).

9PM, not (PM

Ah. Found it. I have Dishnetwork and it’s on FOOD channel 110 at 4PM. Unfortunately, it’s throwing up all kinds of skips. Damn roommate and all his stupid Oprahs, Jerry Springers & reality shows.

So uh…how do you feel about Bobby Flay? :wink:

Nigella makes me drool. She’s like my dream woman, and she’s a decade and a half older than me (Wiki says she was born in 1960…hot damn).

Rachael Ray annoys the living crap out of me, though, and I don’t find her particularly attractive. Giada’s pretty hot, though, but her head seems the wrong size for her body. Still, I wouldn’t kick her out of bed.

OMG! That sounds heavenly! Oh, and I’m doing just fine…giggling like a school girl at my first “how you doin’?” on this board.

You can all just go back to your Tyler and Emril fanclubs girls. Alton is mine all mine and I am not willing to share.

5 mintues until Good Eats comes on! :stuck_out_tongue:

AB is definitely hot.

I’d go lesbian for Nigella.

Rachael Ray is annoying as hell.

pulkyamell’s right - Giada’s head is too big. But for me her most annoying characteristic is her over.enun.ciation and her “smile”. The Gigantic Teeth and Gums of Doom! Ahhh! Run away!

I would like to beat Alton Brown to death with Bobby Flay. Than I would stand behind the kneeling Emeril Lagassy and shoot him at the base of the skull. I would, of course, shout “BAM!” at the appropriate moment.

Then Tyler Florence and I would fall into bed together and never get out.

Me, too! She’s gorgeous! I have two of her books, “How to be a Domestic Goddess” and “How to Eat”. I’ve made tons of recipies…they’ve all turned out great.

I disagree with the Alton Brown part, but anything involving violence to Emeril and Bobby Flay is something I can get behind. Of course, Emeril isn’t that bad on his stripped down and bamless other show.

Sandra Lee is hot in a Stepford wife kinda way.

That’s exactly why I have no interest in her whatsoever. Kinda like that horrible character Marcia Cross plays on Desperate Housewives. No appeal at all.

How was Nigella’s show, back in the day? I know she was never on Food Network, but on some other channel (Style?) we never got with basic cable. As a result, I’ve never seen her on TV, but I can only imagine the British accent she has must sound like angels themselves. Do they play up her sensuality/sexuality, or is she just a good TV cook who happens to be gorgeous as an afterthought?

As for Emeril and Bobby Flay, I should say that despite their grating TV personalities, they are both AWESOME chefs. I’ve made Emeril’s recipes to great success, and I do like him when he isn’t pandering to his Oprah-esque live studio audience. Never made anything from Flay’s recipes, but I love Southwestern food, and his stuff always looks so amazing.

Sorry, but he’s mine, and I have proof.

Behold, a (rather old and somewhat appalling) picture of AB with his arm around me. Oh, and I guess Asimovian is in the picture too.

Everything I’ve made from Alton’s recipes works and tastes great. I’ve had limited success with Emeril’s recipies - some stuff works and some stuff has failed. The stuff I’ve done of Rachael Ray’s has always worked and been good.

One thing - I’ve tried a couple of Martha Stewart’s recipies - never again. I tried to make her Lemon Bars, and dirtied every freaking mixing bowl, measuring cup and measuring spoon in the kitchen, and had flour every-freaking-where. And they were dry and tasteless.
The ones I make from a store-brand box mix are ten times better.
And once again, I called dibs on AB years ago. He’s mine, so everyone just BACK OFF!!! Or get in line behind me.

He’s still around, in fact he’s got a new show on FoodNetwork. (Oliver’s Twist) I too, am an Alton Brown fangirl. ROWR!

I ain’t too proud… I’ll have sloppy seconds of AB. :smiley:

giada is frickin HOT. i’d so happily pounce her many a time. rarr!

another one is nigella lawson. she’s got some VERY large breastesis on her body.

I don’t know that’s it’s so much her head being too large, as it is the face part of her head. She has an enormous face…big teeth, big gums, enormous forehead. It’s like the top of her body is a giant face with some hair glued on the back of it. I can watch her, though.

Rachael Ray, meh. I can watch her, too.

I love Alton Brown. Not carnally, though. I wish he were my brother, or my corny uncle.

If Emril is on? Bam. I changed the channel.
Bobby Flay. He reminds me of a guy I knew in high school. That I hated.

My favorite Food Network moment, though, is when “The Chairman” bites into the bell pepper. We always supply some MST3K-style internal monologue to go along with the hideous grin on his face.

Next time you watch that, keep an eye on his stomach as the camera pans out. It looks to me as if he fought off puking, there is a convulsive heave that you can see him do. I wonder if the bell pepper was rotted in the heat of the cameras or what? :confused: