Am I Republican or Democrat?

Republicans believe that every person has inherent dignity and ability. We believe that people should be able to work hard and then enjoy the fruits of their labors. We believe there are somethings that only Government can do and it should do only those things. We believe in the rights of the individual, including individuals still in the womb, as defined by the Unites States Constitution.

We believe that the 2nd Amendment is what protects and enables all the other Amendment and that the 1st and the 10th are what provide a foundation for all liberty and freedom.

We believe good comes from good works of individuals, individually and collectively using their talents to benefit all. And that Government is the problem more often than not.

democrats believe people are stupid, weak and unable to help themselves – ESPECIALLY women and minorities. They believe that it is only through The Ruling Elite and the Hand Of Government that any good can be had. They believe that those who make good life decisions are to be exploited to pay to support those who did not.

If you believe in the American Individual, justice for all, you are a Republican.

If you are a racist, sexist elitist (or just a taker) you are a democrat.

Can some republican please come in here and disagree with him, and restore some shred of my faith in your subset of the species?

Dammit! Sorry black people and women, I guess I hate you now.

Do you have any evidence that Democrats don’t believe in ‘justice for all?’ Or that there are no racists in the Republican party? 'Cuz that sure is what you just said.

ETA: Apologies to Hispanics, Asians, the poor, and whoever else I forgot. I’m blinded by my hatred. :smiley:

In my state, Pennsylvania, at our 2009 primary election we had a Democrat-only issue question on the ballot to determine which group we hate the most. Surprisingly, we most hate women by nearly 2 to 1 over blacks right now. Of course, all Democrats hate Hispanics, the poor, and Jews also. The question was only to who we hate the MOST.

This thread is making me wonder how the Democrat party in open primary states decides who it hates the most.

Generally speaking, Republicans believe in little government influence in economics, and major government influence in social issues. Democrats are the reverse–major govermnet influence in economics, and little government influence in social issues.

Libertarians believe in little government influence, period. Most of them tend to vote republican because they tend to feel that economics are more important than social issues.

That was fascinating. What aspect of Republicanism lead Republicans to support torture? Your belief in the inherent dignity of a person? Your craving for justice for all? Your belief in the rights of the individual? As for this:

No no, they just want Republicans to - what was it? - “use their talents to benefit all”.

Is that really how it works, or do you register with the party directly?

From the perspective of the other side:

Republicans are greedy, evil warmongers who hate poor people, the environment, and everyone who’s not a white male. They take and take from anyone who’s not rich, and do everything they can to not give back, including going to war. They hate science, empirical thought, and all it stands for, and feel that anyone thinking less prudish thoughts than a Victorian-era thought is personally responsible for the mess we’re in today.

Meanwhile, Democrats are sad, deluded hippies who want to destroy every shred of kindness and decency in the world. They have no qualms allowing defiled marriages to become the new norm, and they personally hate and want to kill God, and replace Him with science and Darwin. Meanwhile, they are working to control every aspect of government, taking every hard-earned dollar from your wallet to go to no-good abortion happy lazy slobs who don’t deserve food or shelter.

And if your first reaction to reading any of that was ‘Well, that’s kinda true’, then you are ridiculously partisan and need to find some friends from the other party.

In my view, there’s no clear, consistent ideological line between the parties. Each party is a hodgepodge of different ideas and special interests that aren’t internally consistent. A lot of people make the point that religious conservatives want more government control, but free market conservatives want less government control. Republicans are a bunch of hypocrites, right? I’d say that that’s just a result of big tent politics, where people who don’t necessarily agree on a whole lot are grouped in the same political party. Similarly, the position that government has a role in preventing pollution and the position that the government should provide a safety net are completely unrelated, but both fall under the Democratic party tent.

The way people decide which they are in practice is usually to pick a single issue that’s more important to them, abortion, ecology, religion, welfare, business, health care, whichever - and then align with the party based on that. If you like other things the party generally stands for that’s nice, but largely unnecessary.

Indiana has open primaries, so naturally there could be spoilers trying to determine who we hate more. Our top secret method is to become ACORN volunteers and then, after we set up the FEMA camps, we write our votes with the blood of whatever Republicans knows too much/wanders too close. I think last year we decided to hate blacks the most, but Polynesians were thisssss close.

Or you can just take the darn test:

That’s a pretty broad brush there…and according to the way both parties act nowadays, not true, either.

If it were only so simple…

I don’t believe there is a single statement one could make that has less credibility with me. My take is: Republicans think The Second Half Of The Second Amendment is the only part of the Constitution that is important. Democrats read the entire Amendment and are able to put it in perspective. Yes I know about Heller. Five justices got it wrong.

This might be a bit out there, but I’m a Libertarian, about one or two steps up from antichrist. The best way to understand what it means to be a Libertarian is here.
I’ll be very quick and succinct and non-redundant here:
Basically, following the Lockean contractarian philosophy, we assume a social contract, by which is agreed that every individual is in themselves an entity, and therefore are responsible for their own actions. The negative rights of the individual ought not be infringed, be it from other individuals or government.
Basically, you have the right swing your arm any which way you want, but your right to do so ends at my nose.

I forgot the OP mentioned Libertarians too, my bad. :smack:

That’s a good description of the philosophy behind your party, but do you have some policy prescriptions? What would a Libertarian president do differently from a Dem or Rep one? What kind of bills would you put up in Congress? I don’t know of any national office-holders so I’m not really sure how you would ‘practice what you preach,’ as it were.

You may not be, but your ideology is. Democrats pat people on the head, give them a bologna sandwich and then asks them to get back on the plantation where they belong.

Liberal thinking is, by definition racist and sexist. It believes that these people can’t compete in the open and thus needs the Gummit’s thumb on the scale.

If you believe in equality, become a Conservative, where we believe in the ultimate dignity of the individual.

No Republican nor Conservative supports torture. But strong tactics to get live-saving information from our enemies was and is a good idea. Or maybe we should let the islamofascists come to your house and rape your women and behead you. I mean, fighting back in a fight for your life is clearly not on your agenda.

Always nice to have a liberal non-sequiter to end my day.

And you would be wrong. I have read the entire Amendment (as, in fact I have read the entire USC and BOR many times). The statement is clear on its face. And it is only from being able to defend liberty that allows liberty.

But feel free to be a sheep and be led to slaughter by your TOTUS-reading fugheres “Defense Corps” of just by the nearby criminal who knows you are an easy target who cares less about his family than his “feel-good” pacifism. It is, after all, the liberal way.

I will grant you this – the Republicans tend to nose in on things that are outside of their purvue. But that is because they have lost their Conservative roots. Conservatism is closer to Libertarianism, but understands the complexities of today’s world.

For the record: Bush I or II were not Conservatives. McCain is not close to being a Conservative.

I should have said “Conservatives” in my response, but the Q asked about D vs R and Republican is as close as we have for Conservatives.