Amazon Sellers--Advice Needed

OK, I just got an email, telling me I sold an item.
Under current procedure, Iโ€™m supposed to go to my Seller Account on Amazon, & get the address for shipping.

But my Amazon Seller Account does not list a sale.
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

What to do?
Am I being scammed?

Are you a new seller? I was confused by their system at first, but once you log into โ€œMy Seller Account,โ€ you have to go to โ€œView your orders,โ€ under the orange-colored โ€œManage Your Ordersโ€ heading. Any orders you have will be listed there, arranged by payment date.

Thank you for your answer, but nevermind.
Problem fixed itself.

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